Chapter 16- Almighty

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*Katsumi's POV*

I was out buying groceries, peacefully walking around the happy streets of Konoha. I wanted to make food for Naruto and send it to him via a toad summon from Mount Myoboku.

I was going to make rice balls for him since Naruto likes them a lot. Everything was going alright until I sensed a familiar chakra approach quickly and it multiplying for some reason. I looked around and saw nothing wrong, so I continued walking around.

Suddenly, there was a ruckus on the other side of Konoha. 

I turned to the direction the noise was coming from and raised an eyebrow "The hell?" I mumbled to myself then out of the blue, huge animals and each had the Rinnegan which probably meant that Pain was attacking the village

"Shit-" I gasped then rushed to Tsunade's office and kicked the door open in a hurry

"Tsunade-sama! We need to contact Fukasaku right away and make him come with Naruto!" I yelled as Tsunade was looking out of the window

"Yes, I know! Katsumi, go get rid of the Akatsuki's summons! I'll recall Naruto right away!" Tsunade said then I gulped and ran out again

I quickly did the hand seals and spat out a huge amount of water from my mouth that contained my chakra so my clone can control it and deal with the summons while I stall Pain until Naruto comes 

I stumbled across the Tendo Pain where he was surrounded by dead people, including Kakashi that was bleeding out of his forehead

"Katsumi, how nice of you to join us" Pain said then all of a sudden, he was in front of me

I quickly spun on my heel and tried to roundhouse kick Pain's head but he pushed me away with some kind of jutsu. I looked behind me and saw a pole sticking out of a rubble made out of a collapsed building. Then, I spat out water and wrapped it around myself to create shield. 

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto?" He asked but I stayed silent then mimicked a gun with my hand nd started firing water bullets at Pain who kept running around and dodging. I spat out a lot of water and created a wave then he jumped up. I threw kunai at Pain while he was in mid air but he deflected the kunai with a rod that came out of his palm. I charged at him and attempted to punch his face and I actually managed to. He was about to punch me back, but then Pain twitched and left the place immediately

"Katsumi-chan!" someone called so I turned around and saw a small Katsuyu 

"Oh, it's you, Katsuyu" I mumbled

"Are you hurt?" Katsuyu asked but I shook my head as a no

"Katsuyu, have you cracked any of the enemy's abilities?" I asked then she nodded

"The one whom you've fought, has a jutsu that simulates the magnetic attraction and repulsion. He can attract objects to himself and repel every ninjutsu attack. However, there's a five second interval between each jutsu he uses" Katsuyu explained

"I see... What's the situation of the citizens?" I asked

"They have all been evacuated to safety" Katsuyu said

"How is Naruto not here yet?" Im muttered then Katsuyu suddenly wrapped herself around me

"Katsuyu! What's wrong?!" I grunted

"Katsumi-chan! Brace yourself for an attack!"

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