Chapter 4- Chunin Exams Part 2

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* Katsumi's POV *

We asked Kurenai-sensei about where and when the second exam will be. It was this forest called the Forest Of Death.

"This is where the second exam will take place. The 44th training grounds, also known as the Forest Of Death" Anko said

"Forest Of Death?" Naruto said

"This sure is a creepy place" Sakura said

"You should experience soon why this place is called The Forest Of Death" Anko giggled

I'm sure Naruto had enough because he put his hands on his hips, crouched and stuck his butt out.

"You should experience soon why this place is called The Forest Of Death" Naruto mocked "There's no point in trying to scare us like that. I'm not scared at all Dattebayo!"

"Really? You sure are energetic" Anko said with a closed eye smile. Then she took out a kunai and threw it past Naruto's cheek which cut it. In less than a second, Anko was behind Naruto.

"Boys like you die fastest" Anko said then put her hand on the cheek that wasn't injured "After spilling that red blood that I love all over the place" She slowly wiped the blood on Naruto's cheek and I didn't move a muscle because I know that Anko wouldn't do any thing that would hurt Naruto.

This woman from Kusagakure picked up Anko's kunai by her tongue and gave it back to her which was kinda disgusting

"Your kunai" The Kusa ninja said

"Thank you" Anko smiled

"It'll be best if you two backed away. You don't want to die young, do you?" Anko said

"Sorry, I get a bit itchy when I see blood. Also, my precious hair was cut, so I got a little excited" The woman said. She's like a snake. The snake lady backed away then Anko sighed

"It looks like we have some hot-headed people here today." Anko smirked

"Before we begin the second exam, I'm going to pass these out to everyone" Anko said pulling out a bunch of papers from her coat "Those are consent forms. Those taking the exam must signs these"

"Why?" Naruto asked

"From here on, people will die. Therefore, we need people's consent before we continue. Otherwise, I'll be held responsible" Anko said with a laugh at the end "Now I will begin explaining the second exam. To be concise, you will go thought an extreme survival match" She said then handed out the papers to everyone

"First, I will explain the forest's geographical features. The 44th training ground is a circular region surrounded by 44 locked gates. There's a river, a forest and a tower in the middle. The tower is approximately 10km away from the gates. Inside this limited space, you have to go through a certain survival program." Anko said "The program consists of...A competition where anything goes...over these scrolls" she said raising two scrolls

"The scroll of heaven and the scroll of earth. You will fight over these scrolls. 26 teams in total passed the first exam. Half of those teams will get a heaven scroll and the other half will get the earth scrolls" Anko said

"And? What's needed to pass?" Sasuke asked

"Bring the scroll of heaven and earth to the tower with your teammates. But it needs to be done in the time limit. This exam has a time limit of 120 hours, or exactly five days"

"Five days?" Ino asked

"What about food?" Chouji asked in horror

"Scrounge it up yourselves. The forest is a treasure box of nature. There should be plenty of food"

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