Some help

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It had been a month since the restaurant incident with Adrien and Mari was nearing her breaking point, she didn't know why but for some reason Alya decided to ignore her last text and was forcing Mari to be alone with Adrien when she didn't want to do so... She even got everyone to be paired up so that Mari was forced to be with Adrien... Thankfully Lila was there to save her from that and while it angered Alya... Neither of the girls cared, but Adrien and his father were the worst, Adrien kept pushing about them dating and her working for his father... The worst part is that his father somehow got her number and started talking to her like she was already working for him.

It was so early in the morning that not even her parent's were up... But they did when they heard there daughter screaming at Adrien's father for calling her so early and the fact she won't work for him at all, her parent's called her in sick for the day and she informed Lila about what really happened... The Italian came over for lunch while the rest of the class was refused to go see her, but still Lila had to hold Mari as she cried her heart out, Tikki was outside keeping an eye out for an akuma but to her luck none showed up... The weekend came and Mari just needed someone to talk to... Anyone would really do as long as they will listen and be neutral in all of this... So she went to see Luka, his mom was out shopping and Juleka was with the rest of the girls minus Lila.

He greeted her with a smile that dropped when he saw her bloodshot eyes, he took her to his room and let her talk slowly... It wasn't long before the dam broke and she told him everything... Including her crush on Lila, he smiled at her before thinking it over slowly before speaking "If Alya really cared... She would have listened to you, as for Adrien and his father... Stand your ground and don't fall to there demands if you want to be happy" he explained making her nod to his kind words "As for your friends... If they really cared, once you said something they would have listened and not followed Alya... While for Lila~" he said making her blush bright red as he chuckled.

"Just tell her how you feel in your own way. Don't do something everyone does... Be you and do it in a way that is unique to you" he explained making her think for a moment about that before nodding, she thanked Luka for his kind words and left in a rush... She needed to buy a few things to make what she planned to express her feelings towards Lila... And with Valentine's day slowly coming... She needed to get started and fast, so she rushed from one store to the next to buy what she needed... Sadly she was seen by Alya who believed that Mari was finally agreeing with her and planning to tell Adrien her feelings, as a result she decided to offer her assistance in anything she might need.

Time went on and Lila began to get nervous, she really wanted to tell Mari her feelings... But everyone in class (minus Chloe and Sabrina) were talking about Mari planning to ask Adrien out... She only wanted to tell her at some point so she decided to cook and bake something for her, she thought about it for a moment and decided to make her a few Italian dishes with a twist to express her romantic feelings, this got her working on researching and writing down ingredients she needs... Which was seen by Rose, in her eyes it was Lila trying to destroy Adrienette so she rushed to tell Alya who was enraged at Lila... So she went and took Lila's things... And began to destroy everything.

This was however seen by Marinette, who came over... And slapped Alya in anger "You are disgusting Cesaire! To bully and attack someone like that and let's not forget the fact that you ignored my words of not being interested in Adrien at all or to work for his father!? Your no better then Hawkmoth! In fact your worst then him! Your a monster and there is no way in hell that i'm hanging out with a monster like you or anyone who is friends with you!" she screamed and then picked up Lila's things and then the two girls left the school like that, everyone was silent, some who weren't in the class glared and began to whisper in agreement to Mari's claims and began to insult her classmates... Who all looked humiliated at there claims.

But Alya was the worst at the moment, the slap she got from Mari, her harsh words and now the school against her... She was perfect to Hawkmoth and as a result akumatized her into Reality, an akuma who can make anything other's desire a reality... Meaning if she want's Mari and Adrien together... She can make it real, Adrien quickly transformed and saw Ladybug already at the scene, he moved to get a report from her "Don't let the beam she makes touch you... Or you will become the reality she want's... You willingly giving her your miraculous" she explained making him nod, they quickly got to work and fixed everything Alya did... Only for the girl to throw all the blame on Mari.

"That's not fair" they turned to Cat Noir "Mari apparently told you how she felt... And you decided to ignore her feelings to do what you want" he explained as Alya sputtered making Ladybug nod "He's right. If anything it's your fault for ignoring what she want's and doing what you want" she said before leaving, Mari returned home moments later, Lila was still out of the room because her mother had called to see how she was right now, Mari waited in her room by working with Tikki on her design while making sure Lila doesn't come in just yet... By the time Lila comes back, Mari has finished her sketch design and is excited to get to work on the outfit for Lila.

They relax together with Lila taking care of Mari's face and hair once more before heading home, once gone Mari get's to work on her project so that once done all she needs to do is fix little details, Lila on the other hand... Went to buy what she needed to prepare her gift to Mari, she didn't care what Alya thought she was doing... She was telling Mari how she felt one way or another, once she got home, her mom was in the kitchen prepping the equipment and ingredients they already had at home making her daughter smile as they got to work on cooking and baking together so Lila was ready to make everything herself... For Valentine's day.

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