"No, you're right. We were rushing things for the wrong reason. Maeve and I decided not to go through with it." He seemed surprised by that, his eyebrows raising as he crossed his arms.

"Good, it is smarter to not jump into something. If you love each other, which I've heard you two whine about separately for years, then when the time is right it will happen." I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Why did you really have a problem with it?"

He looked taken aback at my question. Max was a smart man though. If he was going to object to our decisions then he had to have a good reason. My only concern was that it was selfish, something I felt like I needed to figure out before this could ever be settled.

"I just told you." I crossed my arms, standing up straighter as I stared at him down. That was not a good enough answer.

"No, you gave me a seemingly acceptable reason. You blew up on us instead of talking about it last week. So why are you really upset with us?" Max didn't say anything, instead moving to step away until I grabbed his arm.

"Max, this is Maeve and me. We care about you and you're one of our best friends. So I'll ask again," I tried to push him a bit more as I had him turn back to me," What is going on?"

Max took a deep breath, the unwavering wall of emotional block that he put on to everyone else was falling. Which meant that it was serious. My face changed. Instead of my stronghold that I expected I would need for this conversation, I bit my lip and stared down at the younger man in front of me.

"I've wanted the two of you to admit your feelings for years. Then you did and honestly it was like I didn't exist. Other than her surprise visit in Monaco, how many times did either of you come and check in on me? After we left Australia, it felt like every time we talked it was about you two. Even the how are you texts turned into conversations about how you were going to handle what was going on," He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked out the window," I almost died and then I had my whole life ripped away from me. You guys can't really expect me to take your end all be all ways of fixing things by taking the nuclear option as the way it is?" He frowned as he looked at the floor.

"Max, we didn't mean for it to come off that way. Maeve was thinking about you everyday. I did text you asking how you were to check in. We are sorry we couldn't be there. Maeve is really upset about how you took the news though. She really thought you'd support us until the end." He chuckled.

"I do support you until the end unless you're making a dumbass decision instead of being an adult. Yeah, I'm still a little hurt about the last few months, but I know better than anyone that I couldn't expect you guys to be there at my side everyday of my recovery. Frankly, I was happier to see Maeve kicking your ass everyday on the track instead." That made me laugh.

"Max, I really am sorry. I really didn't see your side of things. Maeve would say the same thing if she were here, but I wanted to talk to you first." He scoffed.

"Daniel Ricciardo taking the first step to try and make things right? Wow, I never thought I'd see the day." I rolled my eyes as I playfully shoved him.

"Yeah yeah, well I love her and my outburst hurt her. So I'm sorry. Maeve and I will always be here for you. Speaking of which, we have planned a welcome back trip for you. It's right after your birthday and almost all of the driver's agreed to go as well." He seemed surprised as he crossed his arms.

"We planned or Maeve planned and you hooked it up at the clubs?" I pursed my lips as I looked at the ceiling. My mouth opened to say something and then snapped shut, making him laugh at how easily he was able to profile the truth.

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