chapter 25

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(Wow, so friggin depressing. But man I'm good at writing that, should I make a bunch of fillers for it? And then move on to my tragic release. By tragic I mean depressing and powerful. But to think I've been listening to a happy song for like an hour! Lol whatever. See ya!)

A month passed slowly and very painfully. Everyday I was beaten by deidara and those two other ninja with him. When the door opened to my cell I tensed and tried to shield my mostly bare body. I looked so scared, like an abused animal. I was scared, I couldn't stop trembling.

"Its only me." A vaguely familiar voice said. I didn't look at whoever spoke.  Was afraid whoever it was would land a painful punch to my face. "Calm down." He said to me. Softly as a feather his hand came to my chin and he turned my head so I looked at him. It was kabuto.

My face was bruised and ruined. My eyes bloodshot and my lips scabbed over from deidara biting them to bleeding point. Claw marks still on my waist from deidaras strong grip and my arms were sore.

"" I tried to talk. But my throat hurt from diedara also choaking me.

"Don't try talking, you'll only hurt yourself." Kabuto said, his voice full of sadness. Out of the corner of my blood shot eyes I saw him clench a fist. He then kissed me, in the softest, and most gentle way.

The way that kabuto kissed me was just so............soft and gentle my whole body went limp, and for the short time our lips touched, I felt no pain. For the first time in what felt like a long time I felt safe.

When kabuto pulled away I said the most bezar thing.

"K..kiss me again...." I said shakily. I needed to feel that safety again.

Kabuto didn't respond. He kissed me again in the same soft way. The same safe feeling coursed through me. I became so relaxed, if I wasn't chained I would've melted in kabutos arms. I was already so venerable, I was so frail. I hadn't eaten anything in days. For a minute I thought I would move through the chains and into his arms.

A while later kabuto pulled away, "when we get out, your not leaving me." He said, his hand gently went from my chin to my bruised and cut up cheek.

I smiled a painful one but I could bare the pain of smiling if kabutos hand stayed on my cheek. His touch was calming me, bringing my sanity back little by little. Just before he pulled away his gently kissed my forehead. His hand slid off my cheek before he left the room.

(Just saying, I mainly wrote this for a chapter I'll be writing in the next book I was daydreaming while writing this. So yeah, man I'm getting good at straight face writing. Oh and if your not a fan of reading my character getting beat almost to death, just skip to the next book.)

3 days passed since kabuto came to my cell. Constantly I remembered that safe feeling I felt whilst kissing him. The pain I'd felt from being beat would subside slightly at the memory and I'd smile.

Soon I could finally fall asleep.

my heaven: a naruto fantasy: 3 years later- a new problemWhere stories live. Discover now