chapter 7 sasukes point of veiw

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  Sasuke caught Elizabeth as she fell onto his chest. For a second he was worried until he saw the gentle rise and fall of her back. She never did get enough sleep. I'll take her home, I wouldn't want zethira to be worried. He thought as he picked her up. On second thought I'll lay her in my bed. And tell zethira where she is.

Sasuke carried Elizabeth to his room and layed her on his bed. Draping a few blankets over as she shifted into a more comfortable position. He layed a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving to her house.

Opening the door he saw kiba and akamaru. "What are you two doing here?" He asked them.

"Akamaru caught Elizabeth's sent and dragged me to follow him." Kiba explained.

"She fell asleep a few minutes ago. I was just going to tell zethira so she won't worry." Sasuke replied.

"Mind if we tag along? We've nothing much better to do." Kiba asked, akamaru barked in agreement.

"I guess." Sasuke said as he began walking. Kiba and his dog followed as they walked in silence to Elizabeth's house.

Sasuke knocked on Elizabeth's door, zethira answered shortly after, "hey sasuke, kiba and akamaru. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Elizabeth is resting at my place for now." Sasuke said.

"We're tagging along." Kiba said scratching akamarus head.

"Did something happen?" Zethira asked.

"No, she just didn't get enough sleep in the past few days and was too tired to do anything else." Sasuke explained.

"That doesn't surprise me." Zethira said. "Well, thanks for letting me know sasuke. See ya around."

"See ya." Sasuke said before zethira shut the door.

"Well she seems nice." Kiba said as they began walking back to sasukes house. Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Yeah, she's okay." Sasuke commented. She seemed in a hurry for us to finish the visit. What was it?

"Well I like her. What about you akamaru?" Kiba asked the white dog.

"Ruff!" Akamaru answered happily wagging his tail. He was big for a dog.

"Whatever. Do you two have to stay?" Sasuke said, he never really knew these two well.

"Sorry man, akamaru has been begging me to visit her but she's always got stuff to do." Kiba answered casually. "I have no clue what it is but he seems quite attached to her for some reason."

They reached sasukes house and entered. They went into sasukes room and sat down next to his bed, Elizabeth sleeping peacefully.

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