chapter 8 my dream

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Back to me, in my dream

I knew I was dreaming, waking up in the dream I crawled out of my bed. Looking behind me I saw sasuke, sleeping. He's so peaceful while he sleeps. I thought walking around to my living room.

Falling onto the couch I spoke to myself, "wonder what the point to this dream is?"

Suddenly I felt hungry, on my way to the kitchen I saw sasuke in the hallway, a smile on his face.

"Hey." He said pulling me into a kiss. Suddenly instead of his tongue gently moving along mine it went down my throat.

Opening my eyes in surprise of this action I saw 2 very familiar, very pale eye lids very much too close to my face. I couldn't pull away as snakes wrapped around me and oruchimaru. Thankfully I could yank my head back so our lips separated.

"What the hell oruchimaru!!" I yelled in his face. He laughed and the snakes coiled tighter around me, forcing me closer to him as our lips met again, his too long of a toungue forcing its way down my throat again, choaking me. Every time I tried moving away the snakes wrapped tighter around me and oruchimaru, this being a dream I couldn't use my jutsu or I so would've burned him to ashes.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?! I asked myself given I had oruchimarus tongue literally down my throat! I am so burning us later!

Finally the snakes loosened enough for me to pull away. "Are you fucking nuts!" I screamed at him. My body was still pressed against his due to the snakes but my head was just far enough away.

"Well I figure if I place this memory in your mind it'll be fun to here your thoughts when your kissing sasuke." Oruchimaru sneered

"I'm so burning us later!" I said to him. The snakes I just realized were white, coiled suddenly very tight and oruchimarus face came just next to mine, his cheek against mine as he whispered in my ear.

"That won't burn away these images will it." He said in his girlyish way. Then the most disgusting thing yet happened, he was doing his tongue thing, on my neck!!

This kept going on for a few seconds, oruchimaru was being beyond creepy now, then again he'd crossed that line a long time ago. As his face slid across mine his tongue moved along my jawline.

Okay kissing I can at leased handle, but this is going too far! I thought angrily as he moved his tongue just under my chin and back into his mouth. Where it belongs. Keep that thing inside your mouth for once.

The snakes gripped me tighter now, the only way I was breathing was because they only affected how close I was to something, oruchimaru in this case. Thankfully we didn't kiss this time, nope. Instead I was now completely pressed against his pale, creepy, and not to mention technically 50 something year old body, my head forced over his shoulder. I didn't know how but he moved his hand and moved my long hair away from my neck, showing the curse mark. An instinctive chill ran down my spine as he licked the back of my neck and shoulder.

Why aren't I waking up? Was I really so tired that not even this could wake me up? Man why did he have to pick now to creep me out beyond belief?!?

I couldn't say anything for some reason until I realized that another white snake had coiled itself around my neck and mouth to keep me from screaming. I wasn't trying to move for two reasons, one: the snakes would only get tighter. And two: because every movement I made got my body more compressed against oruchimaru. But I still tried wriggling myself out of the snakes. I hadn't realized oruchimaru had stopped licking me thankfully until I became tired from trying to escape.

I let out an angry, muffled screach as he pulled away enough to look me in the eyes.

"Your brave, but I don't want to get a headache from your complaining." He sneered explaining the snake on my face. "In fact I'm quite surprised you haven't completely freaked out yet."

Oh I'm freaking out all right. I'm just good at acting. I silently mocked given I couldn't speak. Fooled you for 3 years.

The snakes around oruchimaru and I grew tighter, compressing us together again. Oruchimaru laughed or giggled or whatever you called it as my head again came over his shoulder and another instinctive chill coursed through my back. His tongue now wrapped almost completely around my neck. I was so disgusted by this I was trembling in sheer anger. Why? Isn't this heaven? Aren't I-wait I almost died on several occasions. Why am I complaining now about this not being a proper heaven? Oh wait because one wouldn't expect to be licked continuously by this creepy ass lunatick!! I thought while oruchimarus tongue then crept its disgusting way down a thankfully very small portion of my back. We were now in a world of black nothingness as a breeze came by and chilled the siliva coated parts of my neck and jawline. God this is I said kissing him I can sorta handle, but this just might make me throw up....I'm not going to kiss sasuke for a week after I wake up, and if I do and I don't throw up all over the place I'll thank whoever the fuck said 'let's show some mercy on the poor girl.'

Just when I thought the coils of snakes was releasing me oruchimaru slid his tongue into my mouth before our lips met if I might add after the snake on my mouth disappeared. I again couldn't talk due to his tongue choaking me. I was overfilled with joy when I snapped awake.

my heaven: a naruto fantasy: 3 years later- a new problemWhere stories live. Discover now