Chapter-34: Ash V/s Blaine! The Ancestral Battle!

Start from the beginning

"A volcano can't be put out with any amount of water... Ash! I got it!" She exclaimed.

Surprised, Ash almost dropped the egg in his hand. "What is it Misty?" He asked angrily.

"I got the answer to Ridge's riddle." She exclaimed.

"And...?" Ash asked.

"It's the Volcano! No firefighter can win against the volcano!"

"Don't be ridiculous Mist. I know I'm crazy, but I wouldn't make a gym inside a volcano." The raven haired boy put her down.

Misty angrily hit the Gyarados statue that brought in the hot water for the hot springs, and suddenly the entire place began to shake, and it lead to an opening in the rocks that supported the area.

*               *               *

"Misty! You should be careful! I almost dropped the egg because of you!" Ash chided her.

"Calm down Ash." Serena pleaded, while they turned their attention towards the opening.

"Should we go see in there?" Brock asked.

"Wouldn't hurt... besides, who knows if it's the way to Blaine's gym." Ash mused.

The group quickly changed to their regular clothes, and began walking inside.

"Guys, it's getting really hot..." Ash said.

"That means there's a good chance we're going to Blaine's gym." Misty said happily.

Soon they reached a door, and Ash went ahead to grab it, only to burn his hands. "Ow! It's too hot!"

The doors suddenly opened to reveal a battlefield, and it was above a volcano.

"Suddenly I'm not so absurd huh Ash?" Misty asked teasingly.

"Thank you Misty." Ash replied, as he rushed off to the battlefield.

"Ash and battling." The other three sighed. But as they got a clear view of the other end.

"Ridge?" Ash asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Hmm... now what is a ridge?" The man asked.

"Oh come on! I'm here for a gym battle!" Ash screamed.

"Now young man, you lack patience. Can't help, your father and grandfather were the same." He pointed out. "Now, to my question, what is a ridge?"

"It's a long, narrow hilltop, mountain range or water-shed." Misty answered.

"That's right, and this Ridge has just guided you to me! The Blaine who's now going to test you in battle!" He said, taking off the wig and mustache. "Welcome! To the Cinnabar Gym!"

"I can understand why dad'd be annoyed... it's obvious." Ash muttered.

"Ha! You young kids and your energetic youth!" Blaine complained. "But since you're family, I'll let this slide off."

"Wait! We're family?" Ash asked in shock.

"So Neither Fuji, nor Red said anything to you?" He asked. "Hehe! Maybe I said too much." Blaine chuckled.

"Come on! You can at least tell me how we're related." Ash complained.

"Tell you what kid, earn the gym badge and I'll let you know." The bald gym leader announced.

*               *               * 

"Here's the rules Ash. We both use four pokemon, and if any of our pokemon fall down the battlefield, they're out." The bald gym leader explained.

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