In my family, dinner was always a big thing. We'd have some people over, but for one night only, I had to ask Takumi and his brother to come over and help me with the meal before Erina arrived. They were getting started with the noodles and the meat while I focused on the sauce. That was my main priority and I want Erina to love the sauce from scratch.

Takumi: Vuoi creare le classiche polpette? (You want to create the classic meatballs?)

Y/N: Corretta. (Correct.)

Takumi: Per le polpette, hai bisogno di carne bovina, di vitello e di maiale. Il maiale darà il sapore di polpette e hai bisogno di un po 'di grasso dalla carne. (For the meatballs, you need beef, veal, and pork. The pork is going to give the meatballs more flavor and you need a little bit of fat from the beef.)

He did the meatballs as I had the sauce being made and Isami working on the noodles. They had a ton of experience working with their father back in Tuscany, Italy, and it was a huge help.

For the sauce, here's how I made it...

(A/N: If you want to copy this recipe down, be my guest! I cook this sauce myself and since I'm living with an actual New York Italian girl, I've made sure that she loves the sauce I came up with!

Anyways, here's the recipe and I hope you try it out!)

1. In a bowl, open a can of whole peeled tomatoes and crush them into bite sized pieces.
2. Dice half a white onion.
3. Crush three cloves of garlic.
5. In a sauté pan, add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
6. Once the heat is set to 5 hi, add the diced onion, then the crushed garlic.
7. Add a sprinkle of Italian seasoning.
8. Add a dash of red chili pepper flakes
9. Add half a small can of tomato paste.
10. Stir it all around, don't let the onion or garlic burn.
11. Add the tomatoes into the sauté pan before adding a tablespoon of sugar to give that authentic Italian flavor.
12. Stir frequently for 15 to 20 minutes until the sauce is thick enough to be ready for any type of noodle for your Italian dinner.

Takumi: Il tuo nome? Cosa devo bere per la tua cena? (Y/N? What do have to drink for your dinner?)

Y/N: Non possiamo avere alcol 'perché siamo minorenni, quindi la nostra prossima scommessa è avere un succo di uva frizzante. (We can't have alcohol 'cause we're underage, so our next bet is to have sparkling grape juice.)

Takumi: Buona scelta. (Good choice.)

Y/N: Grazie Takumi. (Thanks Takumi.)

Takumi: Come stai Italiano? (How are you Italian?)

Y/N: Mia madre e io abbiamo antenarsi italiana e il nonno di mia madre era il secondo uomo principale per il leggendario Boss Mob Paul Cicerone. (My mom and I have Italian ancestry and my mother's grandfather was the second main man for the legendary Mob Boss Paul Cicero.)

Isami: Wow! Hai una storia con la folla?! (Wow! You have a history with the Mob?!)

Y/N: È giusto Non voglio essere un gangster, voglio essere uno chef. Anche se devi essere al 100% Italiano per essere un membro pieno della mafia, non è qualcosa che voglio fare. Voglio gestire il mio ristorante e servire le persone che cucina Italiana classica con un tocco più moderno. (That's right. I didn't wanna be a gangster, I wanna be a chef. Although you have to be 100% Italian to be a full member of the Mafia, that's not something I wanna do. I wanna run my own restaurant and serve people classic Italian cooking with a more modern twist.)

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