The Curse

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Our story begins in Woodrow Roosevelt High School. It's 8th period, and the subject is social studies.

"Now, class, who can tell me the name of the man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?" Said Ms. Chandelle, the teacher. Dick Grayson immediately raises his hand. Ms. Chandelle points to him. "His name was John Wilkes Booth." He said. Ms. Chandelle claps her hands together. "Very good, Dick!" She said.

One girl gives Dick an evil glare. "I was gonna say that!" She said quietly. "Emilia Arquette, is there a problem?" Ms. Chandelle asked. "No, Ms. Chandelle, everything's fine!" Said Emilia. "Good, let's continue. Which U.S. president only served for thirty days?" Asked Ms. Chandelle. Dick raises his hand again, and Ms. Chandelle points to him. "That would be William Henry Harrison. And the reason why his presidency was so short was because he died very suddenly." He said.

Ms. Chandelle smiles. "My dear boy, you really know your stuff!" She said. Emilia rolls her eyes. "Why does he always get picked in class? It should be me, because I'm the best!" She thought to herself. The bell rings a minute later, and everyone piles out of the classroom and to their lockers.

Dick closes his locker after getting all his things, only to be greeted by an evil glare from Emilia. "Uh... hi, Emilia. How are things?" Said Dick awkwardly. Instead of answering, Emilia raises her hand and slaps Dick in his face. "Holy pain! What was that for?!" He asked frustratingly. "You answered every question in class!" Emilia said angrily. "So?" Dick asked. "I wanted to answer them, but I couldn't because you ruined my chances!" Yelled Emilia. "Not everyone can be the center of attention, you know!" Said Dick angrily. "In my family, I'm always the center of attention!" Emilia said with her hands on her hips. "Well, things change, Emilia! You can't always get what you want in life!" Dick yelled.

Emilia grabs Dick by his shirt. "You're gonna regret this, Dick Grayson! I'll get my revenge someday, you'll see!!" Said Emilia with her teeth clenched. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" Asked Dick. Emilia smirks. "You bet it is." She said.

Ms. Chandelle comes over a minute later to break up the fight. "What's going on here?" She asked. "Ms. Chandelle, I was minding my own business, grabbing my things from my locker, and Emilia just started yelling at me!" Dick said. "Emilia, you apologize to Dick right now!" Ms. Chandelle said angrily. Emilia crosses her arms. "I most certainly will not!" She said. "I mean it, young lady! Apologize!!" Yelled Ms. Chandelle. "No!!! I'll never apologize!" Emilia yelled before running away.

The angry girl runs all the way home, but is suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. Emilia opens the door and reveals an old lady holding a rose. "I heard you had a bad day, so I brought a rose to make you feel better. Please take it." She said. "As much as I love roses, I'd rather buy my own bouquet! Go away, you ugly witch!" Said Emilia with a scoff.

The old woman magically changes into a beautiful enchantress. Emilia recognizes her face and her eyes widen. "M-Ms. Chand-delle?" She said as her voice trembled with fear. The enchantress' eyes glow and she rises into the air, casting a spell on Emilia.

You have been deceived by your own cold heart. A curse upon your house and all within it.

Until you have found one to love you as you are, you shall remain forever... a beast.

Emilia suddenly changes into a monstrous beast as punishment for her nasty attitude, and is forced to live in a place not far from her house, Wayne Manor, where a powerful enchantment was placed upon all who lived in it as well.

Ashamed of her monstrous form, Emilia concealed herself inside Wayne Manor with a magic mirror as her only window to the outside world

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Ashamed of her monstrous form, Emilia concealed herself inside Wayne Manor with a magic mirror as her only window to the outside world.

Ashamed of her monstrous form, Emilia concealed herself inside Wayne Manor with a magic mirror as her only window to the outside world

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The rose the woman offered early on was truly an enchanted rose, which will bloom until Emilia's twenty-first year. If she could learn to love another, and earn his love in return by the time the last petal falls, the spell would be broken. If not, she would be doomed to remain a Beast forever. As the years passed, she fell into despair and lost all hope.

Who could ever learn to love a Beast?

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