Lassos of Justice

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Two news anchors are discussing the Wonder Woman situation. As one believes she has the right message but is going about it the wrong way and the other thinks her even taking part in such an event is unjustified, they both agree that Wonder Woman should be stopped.

Maxwell Lord. Has the power to control the minds of others allowing them to do whatever he wants. And his desires? Are as dirty as they can come. Every night he prays for women walking alone. Uses his powers to control them, take advantage of them, and leave them with the trauma. Almost like it's a sort of game. But tonight, that all ends.

A live broadcast message goes out online from a new women's rights group called "The Lasso of Justice." In the message, they reveal their existence, and what their plans are. And it is to fight off misogyny all across the globe. Led by Wonder Woman, they're looking to make a real difference in the world. And a difference, they will make.

Maxwell Lord, at his base, is about to sexually assault a woman then all of a sudden glass breaks through his windows. He searches around his place, frightened, looking for any sign of life before a black lasso wraps around his neck pulling him to the ground. Wonder Woman embarks from the shadows revealing herself to him. Wonder Woman lists off several of the sins he's committed over the years and how that contributed to women losing their rights every single year. Maxwell Lord screams for his guards to help him, but Wonder Woman and her Lassos of Justice have already taken care of them. Wonder Woman slowly walks up to Maxwell, then snaps his neck.

Superman from afar hears this. And intentionally decide that it's time to talk to Diana about her recent actions.

The President has called upon the Justice League to his office. All but Wonder Woman. He tells them that he's giving them a chance to publicly denounce Wonder Woman at a presidential event. In which, they do. As Diana is at her unground base with the rest of the lassos of truth, she watches her very own team not taking a stand against the oppression of women, and her heart grows with disappointment.

Diana is on the beach. Taking in the breeze. That's when Superman and Batman come up to talk to her. As Superman tries softly convincing her to stand down Batman directly does it. Telling her that if she doesn't stop, the league will be forced to put her down. She looks over to Clark and there is the only disappointment in his eyes. Diana walks up to Clark, trying to get him to listen to her words. Trying to get him to see what's happening to women across the world and why what she's doing is for the best. Batman starts complaining about her murdering criminals then Diana comes back at him by that she always killed criminals, but this time, with a cause. And she tells him in his face that's the reason he's is so upset. Bruce scoffs it off. Then all of a sudden, both Bruce and Batman get a call telling them to handle a protest going on in Gotham. Batman tells Wonder Woman to not get involved but she takes along with them anyway.

Wonder Woman, as Diana Prince, is in the crowd scouting out how Batman and Superman will handle this situation, for this is the first protest the government has called them upon to contain. With massive protests breaking out in Central City, metropolis, Star City and Gotham, almost every Justice League member is on duty, helping the police. As Wonder Woman looks to Batman and Superman "play cop," all that comes to her mind is how far the Justice League has fallen. From a team of superheroes who fought outside the law and alongside the people to help bring a better tomorrow to the very people who are attempting to bring darkness to that tomorrow, it aches her heart.

As a protestor is telling their sexual assault story that Gotham's police didn't pay attention to, Superman rudely interrupts, by trying to tell her and the protestors that any crime that hasn't been solved can be carefully handled by the Justice League. Wonder Woman rolls her eyes at such a sight, understanding what Superman did was completely disrespectful to the women and the crowd. As the people get more upset, Superman tells them to start clearing the streets. As store windows start to get destroyed, Batman glides down from his Batwing with a stun gun. Diana sees this and then starts to march forward towards Bruce. And before he pulls the first trigger, Wonder Woman steps in front of him, getting stunned. Batman walks past Diana, pointing his gun toward more protestors, then Diana says "Is this what the Justice League is supposed to represent? Striking fear in the hearts of the very people we're supposed to protect? What's happened to my team? Our mission to protect this world from harm?" Then Batman tells her "The Justice League is what it always has been. There was never a change to what this group was. The thing that has changed, is you, Diana." Wonder Woman goes silent. She looks at all the destruction, feeling overwhelmed, then flies away.

Diana returns to her magical island of Themyscira to gain guidance from her mother, Hippolyta. She tells her story about how when Aries geared man's hearts towards enslaving Amazons, it was the will of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, to track down every base that held Amazon captive, and frees them. That there was a great war held for the freedom of the Amazons. Diana expresses to Hippolyta that she now sees her path clearly, then heads back to Metropolis.

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