Fall, Rise, and the Cost of Freedom.

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Diana wakes up in bed with a Woman. Her girlfriend Paris. She gets closer to Diana to give her a few kisses before they have to get up to start their day. Diana gets a notification on her phone but Paris encourages her to not to be distracted by the outside world for a few minutes more. To continue to stay in bed, with her. And Diana does just that.

Diana's day goes its way just like any other day. She goes to work, directs the archeology division at her job, and goes for a mid-day coffee right after getting off. The news is reporting on a serious event. But Diana has headphones on, trying to give herself just one day to relax from the outside world. Things go south quite quickly as she's walking to her apartment, she sees a short slinky man harassing a woman, calling her a whore. Of course, Diana steps into the situation quickly giving the man a hard punch. One to knock him out and give him a bruise. The woman thanks Diana for her kindness. She also tells her that events such as what has occurred happened to her friend a few days ago. That ever since the government has been tossing around the idea of criminalizing abortion, more men have been showing their true colors. But Diana tries to reassure her that what happens in Washington will not result in the criminalization of Roe v Wade. Diana's presence gives people comfortable that whatever's bad happening around them, will eventually be alright.

It's 4 am. Paris forcibly wakes Diana up to tell her the dreadful news. Diana is confused as to why Paris would wake up her so early to tell her something. Paris turns on the TV to show her that the government has finalized its pursuit to make abortion illogical. Diana is shocked by the sight. The next day, as Diana walks to work, she sees a bunch of protestors, mostly women, chanting for their rights to be returned. Instead of going to work, she calls the Justice League to go over what's going on.

While at the watchtower, the Justice League sits at their table, getting ready for Diana to say something. Diana questions if there's anything the Justice League can do about the criminalization of abortion. Most Justice League members, mostly men, brushes off the idea. Batman expressed that it's a waste of their time. Wonder Woman is heavily offended at Batman's words as she questions how he could express such disdain towards something so horrific. Typical of Bruce Wayne, he somehow traces that situation to the death of his parents, something completely unrelated to what's going on at Washington. Of course, Batman doesn't explicitly spell it out for her. But Wonder Woman sees right through him. And calls him out for it. Superman tries to calm the tension. He tries telling Diana while he agrees with her heart, there is nothing the Justice League can actively do to have the law be overturned outside of help at protests and public speeches. Of course, Diana feels like such a thing is not enough. And that she feels like it's time for the Justice League to take active action to fight the law.

As the Justice League is leaving, Batman pulls Diana aside to tell her not to "do anything stupid." Diana grabs Batman's arm to tell him "I'm not the one who's on the side of stupidity."

As Diana flies in the sky, she looks down at a protest she can tell is going to go wild quite quickly. She sees her girlfriend Paris down there protesting too so she finds a private area to quickly became Diana again to talk to her. With only so many words, Diana tells her that situation doesn't seem safe. And in almost a second after, a police officer starts firing at the protesters. Then tear gas starts going off. The smoke is thick and heavy. Diana looks for Paris but can't seem to find her. As Diana is in shock and awe at the destruction, the people running, the people getting hurt, she removes her outfit to reveal her Wonder Woman outfit. The protestors see Diana. They feel her strength by just the sight of her. And they pick up their signs and start to follow Diana's lead as she walks toward the police. More and more protestors follow behind Diana, marching, for their freedom. The policy threatens to shoot with each step she takes. One officer takes one shot at Diana and she deflects the bullet with her gauntlets. Then all of a sudden, a bullet slips through, hitting Paris...The protesters see this and then start an out war with the police. But with her in Diana's arms, she gives her a powerful message to "never let them control you." A single tear falls from Diana's face then rises then starts walking toward the police. That walk turns to run as she starts to deflect every single bullet shot at her. And soon, those defections become focused projectiles as Wonder Woman perfectly defects the bullets, hitting officers. Diana single handly fights off 20 officers in direct confrontation with them. And as a cop brings out a rocket launcher to shoot at her, Wonder Woman lifts up one of their takes and throws it at them. The cop fires the rocket launcher, blowing up the tank right before it hits them.

As the fighting calms down, Wonder Woman begins to make a speech to not only the protestors but to the entire world as they record her. She tells them that her actions that night may change the perception of how the world sees her. But she reassures them that she is the same Wonder Woman. That only her priorities have changed given the situation. Diana makes a threat to the US. Government giving them her word that she's going to continue to not hold back for the future of women. That she will not passively play with the government as women in the US continue to suffer. She gives them her word, that she's going to fight her hardest until her demands are met and she's going to do anything it takes to get it.

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