Some moments

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It was 6 in the evening. I waited for Ashton to arrive. Nothing can beat my excitement. I am grateful to Ivan for asking Ashton.

I noticed Ashton entering, his face having the same calm aura of all time. He came closer and I stood up from the couch.

"Hii",I squealed

" Shall we start?"

He asked calmly. I nodded my head in excitement and went to sit near the piano. He followed and sat in the front of piano with his fingers elegantly touching the keys.

" So first of all...."

He started but I stopped him

"Wait. Why don't you play something first."

He looked at me with a little smile and started playing the song, he played on the day we first met. I closed my eyes and listened to that beautiful melody. I opened my eyes to admire the clenched jaw of Ashton and his closed eyes, the way his fingers moved, he was a true artist with true passion for music.

Ivan was at his father's office for some work. So, I had plenty of time to listen to Ashton's melody. I smiled once again.

The song stopped and I opened my eyes.

"Let's get the teaching started"
I announced sitting next to him. He nodded and started explaining the keys.


She was sitting just beside me, so pretty. She looks so happy, how does happiness feels. She looks so comfortable, how does comfort feels. She feels secure and looks ahead of future, how must that feel.

I started explaining her the notes as I wished my beating heart to co operate with my mind. As I wished my heart would understand she is not mine. As I faintly wished she will be mine.

Her hands softly touched mine, eager to learn. She smiled starting to learn. Her eyes looked up to me hypnotising me more.

Time runs fast, I had heard, she made me realise it more. The clock ticked revealing eight.

My mind urged to leave this place. But I gave the victory to the heart in denial. I waited.

Camilla started popping her knuckles due to fatigue from practising.

She stick out her lower lip out looking at her hurting fingers, her eyes then drifted to the clock and then to me , she smiled in relief that she was going to get a break and blinked her eyes.

I pursed my lips into a thin line and got up to leave but she held my arm. I shivered at her soft touch and glanced at her face.

"Should we get some coffee?"

I nodded and she entered the kitchen and I waited for her to arrive while looking around the house.

I wondered how the life in this house would be? I usually wonder how the inside of a "home" would be. The aroma of the coffee filled my nostrils as I found her approaching me with two coffee mugs. I faintly smiled as she handed me the coffee mug.

The letters L-O-V-E were printed on it.
I wonder how humans were able to create a word for a feeling that overwhelms the mind. The feeling that makes the person absent-minded. How did a human mind created a word for it.


I took the mug and sat in the front of Ashton, took a sip from it and smiled.

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