What do you want?

Start from the beginning

"He wants an answer that bad?" I nodded.

"Well, he certainly wants me enough to sweeten the deal..." He raised an eyebrow.

"He offered me a contract extension contingent on my performance. I wouldn't have to stop driving if I didn't want to. I don't even have to be driver 2. Zak agreed to it." Daniel chuckled.

"You have to take it, D. That's an incredible deal." I nodded. He was correct. It was an incredible deal. I would be stupid not to take it. That didn't change anything about our issue and how we would handle it. In fact, it complicated it more.

"I think I'm going to. We have to decide what we are going to do though. About us..."

"Ok, well, what do you want to do? This is going to affect you ten times more than me." I stood, crossing my arms as I walked over to the table and grabbed my phone.

"I asked Seb his opinion on what the FIA would do if two drivers wanted to date," I chuckled as I walked back to Daniel," He actually thought I was talking about Max and me." Daniel laughed at that too.

"I could see why he would say that. Timing is everything after all." He held his hand out for me and when I took it, he pulled me to sit in his lap.

"Yeah, well he thinks it would be bad. They wouldn't really know what to do, but they're more than likely to not approve of it. He did say that it also might just be up to the team principals though." I explained as his left hand rested on my lower back.

"You want to tell Cyril and Toto? I thought the whole plan was to keep them out of this?" I shrugged.

"Maybe we have to just tell them and let the powers at be decide." He placed a delicate kiss on my temple.

"Do we have other options? Is there anything at all that we can do to go around that instead of possibly blowing this all up for a maybe that's hard leaning towards a not happening? I really just don't want anything to happen to you. I'll never forgive myself if that happens..." I sighed, leaning my head down against his shoulder.

"Short of keeping it a secret forever, I really don't know what to do. And if we do that we really run the risk of getting in more trouble than it's worth. I'd rather have you than this life..."

Saying it out loud for the first time made me realize how real this was. I was really willing to risk it all for Daniel because I loved him. His face showed shock and his right hand laid across my right knee before giving it a gentle squeeze. He also didn't know what else to do.

"Can we just keep it a secret for now? Maybe get a read on what Toto would say and go from there? He can't really make that the end all be all. If he really wants you to join the team that badly, then he will find a way to keep you happy." I sat up, looking him in the eye.

"Is that worth the risk? I mean, seriously it's just poking the bear isn't it?" I fired back and he just shook his head.

"No, it's approaching the situation with a level head. If he gives you a flat no, that's that. Maybe he can provide support as the CEO and Team Principal from one of the biggest teams for when we go to the FIA officially. When we're ready of course..."

That was a very fair point. Maybe if I played into Toto's hand with how bad he wanted me to join Mercedes, he would be willing to help. He supports Lewis' extracurriculars unconditionally. Toto and I were far from acquainted in that way though. I was going to have to continue working with him and get the contract negotiations started before dropping this bomb on him. Which means that I had to tell him yes and then get him in my good graces.

"You're thinking about it. I can hear those gears turning again." He kissed my temple again before I looked at him.

"This means no more Red Bull. We're both leaving the team high and dry. Is that almost more dangerous? I don't really think Christian has it in him to be vengeful, but what if he decides to be?" Daniel looked confused at my words. Clearly he hadn't thought about the repercussions of us both leaving.

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