May 2nd Writing prompt; His Computer

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Prompt: Write a story where a computer starts talking back to someone when they are on it trying to buy stuff online.

6:20 PM -6:56 PM May 2nd, Monday

His computer

"Mum! Can I get this?" The young teenager asked his mother. "Sure honey. Buy it online, you know the info. Go get the computer." She didn't even looked up. She never did. No one ever did, look at him that is. "Ok but, do you think you could take me to the store instead?" "You know the answer to that. Now go buy whatever it was you wanted."

Going downstairs the boy went on the computer and started shopping. This happened quite often. Being ignored, left out, degraded, neglected. He knew why, he just didn't know why it bothered people. That he looked so much like him. Upon seeing him, everyone always acted like he was a ghost, or poison.

"Aw don't feel so down." "What? Who said that?" After some silence, the boy convinced himself it was just his imagination. "I'm going crazy from all this loneliness." He said to himself.

"Oh don't think like that." "Aha! So it was you! Are you some hacker? Or My FBI agent come to spy me from my computer??" "Of course not, I'm merely a computer. And you are a lot smarter than you look" "thanks...."

Over the course of 2 months, the pair became best friends. His only friend. "School was brutal today. 3 tests and homework in EVERY class. All 8 of them!" The boy plopped down on his bed next to his ever chatty computer. "Oh stop complaining. I can help you, I know everything. I'm literally a computer. Another thing you have over everyone else." His computer said, laughing.

Another month. Their friendship was as strong as ever. But the boy was still lonely, he only felt peace after school. That being the only time her could talk to his one friend.

Their friendship lasted 6 short months. The best 6 months of both their lives. The summer was the best, since they could talk all day every day. Except when his computer needed to charge or cool down. "Hey, why haven't they made computers that dont need to charge?" "I don't know." His computer laughed at the thought. "You said you knew everything! Ru-"

The boy was cut off by a loud noise. It happened so quickly. She didn't mean to. He barely saw it. She was drunk. The next thing he knew, his best and only friend was gone.

The next day he woke up, no best friend.

He ate breakfast, no best friend.

He Left for school, no best friend.

Came back from said torture, no best friend.

His best friend would have laughed at that, she always loved his jokes.

He ate dinner, no laughing buddy.

He did his homework, no genius to scold his habit of complaining for little to no real reason.

He went to bed, and all he saw was his partner in crime. The one and only person he ever wanted to stay.

He lost a lot of people in his life, but she was the one that hurt the most. Parents, pets, friends, nothing compared. Closing his eyes it was her voice her jokes her laugh. They both always loved dreaming, it's been ruined for him by two things.

One day he got up, put on his best clothes, and prepared to speak to someone other than his best friend, his computer. Arriving to the funeral home, people still wouldn't look him in the eye. But now there were two reasons. Everyone knew about the boys only friend who died. People rarely listened to what he had to say, but they would now. They had to, and they did. Too grief stricken for the boy not to.

"Ven was my best friend. She and I met when I went shopping at the market by myself.

Ven was incredibly smart, no doubt smarter than one could even dream to be, she knew everything. Always helped me with my homework and studying, perks of being homeschooled by two geniuses I suppose. I just wish she used those brains to not befriend me.

Maybe then she wouldn't have been hit by that drunk driver. Everyone knew I was doomed from the start, just like my father. But she never listened.

She was hard headed and stubborn, very confident and sure of herself, independent. She was unlike anyone I've ever met, the best friend I could never ask for. She was petty but the kindest human to ever exist if you deserved it. She would constantly tease me by walking dramatically slower if I ever asked her to go faster.

I would take all her teasing and anything and everything I disliked about everyone if she was still here. My computer, my headache, my best friend, the best thing to ever happen to me. Not sure what I'll do now, was never nearly as smart or social as her. "

Everyone was In tears by the end of it. The heartbreak In His voice was overwhelming. One thing for sure, The boy was never the same after that. No amount of friends, family, money, success, or anything could ever fill the gap caused by grief. The death of a loved one.

He never touched a single bottle of alchohol, ever. How could he? That bottle changed his and many others lives for the worse.

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