Lemon balm

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Lemon balm - Sympathy

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Warning- This chapter may contain moments of madness and/or detailed explanations of pain, if you are uncomfertable during this chapter please leave and read something better. Thank you.

Authors note: This isn't my best writing, sorry about that! I hope you enjoy it anyway though!

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The young prince sat in confusion as the others stared at him. The prince tilted his head and stared at the one with white hair. "You look like my brother," He remarked, "But older."

He suddenly backed up and looked around, "Where am I? Where's Wilby?" He asked, backing up further on the bed. "WILBY!" He screamed, tears forming in his eyes. "WIL-" A hand clasped over his mouth and the young prince struggled against the strong wrist but eventually gave in and let the boy shut him up.

The man let go of him and ruffled his hair kindly, "Why are you so green? I like the color green but even I wouldn't go that far. What's with the mask? Do you have scars? Can I see them? Are you insecure?" The young prince blurted, unable to keep back the questions. The green boy laughed in response, "I didn't know Prince Theseus used to be like this! It's quite funny compared to now."

"How do you know my name?" Theseus asked, the green prince snapped his fingers and introduced himself. After a few minutes, Theseus was having a nice conversation with the green prince when he suddenly passed out and the two simply stared at the boy. They waited, and waited, soon the prince groaned as he sat up and looked around.

"Prince Dream," He started, his iconic icy stare and unreadable expression returned as he calmed down, "What happened?"

"It seemed that you forgot everything until before the Late Empress died. It was quite funny to see how little Prince Theseus acted," Prince Dream laughed. Theseus's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and he dipped his head in a slight bow, "I deeply apologize for everything I might've said when I couldn't hold my tongue."

• <———> •

Theseus wasn't allowed to leave his chambers and all meetings were postponed until he felt better, Prince Dream, SapNap, and Wisp stood by Theseus and carefully watched him, trying to keep him from forgetting again. The medical examiner said that he suffered a concussion the night before and the sudden movement this morning may have triggered his mind to indulge in temporary Amnesia. But there was still a possibility of him losing his memories and/or falling into a psychotic break due to the "ringing" which was still just a low hum in the back of his mind. His ears had been wrapped in bandages since he had almost ripped them off only an hour or so ago when he tried to "scratch the ringing away".

Theseus had been banned from his work and his assistant was allowed to work on the Empress's papers since Theseus still didn't quite trust others with his duties. There was a soft conversation happening when the door flung open for the second time that morning, in rushed a boy with wavy brown hair, untidy with the excessive fiddling due to stress, and brown eyes wide with worry and fear. Once he spotted Theseus tears spilled over his eyes and trailed down his face, he lunged at Theseus and pulled him into a tight hug that Theseus couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried.

Theseus was hurt because you weren't there. The voices whispered inside Wilbur's head, he replied with a loud sob and clutched Theseus's clothes as if he would drown in the endless sea if he let go. He hates you. He was hurt and you didn't help. They echoed, he buried his head into Theseus's shoulder and quietly whimpered as he hung onto his little brother. Theseus would've rolled his eyes if it weren't for how terrible his older brother looked. As if he cared. Of all people, Him? He left me! Why the hell would he care when he left me his job? His responsibilities!

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