The grip on my hair had loosened a bit by now, "Then why didn't you let me know?!" He exclaimed, his thoughts getting the better of him.

"My phone was dead and I couldn-" My sentence couldn't be finished as my head met with the wall once again, but harder than the last time. The same throbbing pain returned, but it was only worse. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a quiet whimper both out of pain and fear.

"You were fucking him, weren't you!" Ha-Jun yelled at me and took my head in his hands, so I would look up at him but the tears in my eyes were making it blurry for me to see. "You were busy getting fucked over that desk of yours, huh!?

I fell to the ground- his hand had met with my cheek. Luckily, I managed to catch my fall partly with my hands, but it didn't help the stinging that I felt in my cheek. 

My emotions were going through the roof by now and tears were starting block the view from my eyes.

"You reek of him." He made up and scoffed at me, looking down at me on the ground. My back was facing where he was standing as I slowly got up on my knees, not wanting to startle him by suddenly standing up. 

His hands gripped me by the arms, dragging me to the bedroom and throwing me down on the bed in the middle of the room.

I won't be escaping this, that was for sure. 

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes by now, both from the anxiety and the pain I felt. I didn't understand what I did wrong again this time, I told him why I was late- yet he didn't believe me.

Ha-Jun left the room and I took that time to sit up, wiping away the tears in my eyes. 

I wanted to fight back so badly, but I knew I wasn't a match for him. I was merely 5'4" while he stood at 5'9".

The door swung back open with force and he stood there with a belt. 

"Take your damn clothes off." He demanded me. 

Ha-Jun always has loved to have control over the situation, he loved it when I listened to him- even if it were not beneficial for me. He enjoyed the fear that he saw in my eyes when he stood infront of me with that all too familiar belt. He craved for those tears and cries that were only from me- begging him to stop until my voice was gone the very next day.

This time, I shook my head for a change. 

Though now that I had done it, I knew I shouldn't have.

"Nayeon, take those fucking clothes off!" His voice echoed in the room when he stepped closer to the bed and threw the belt somewhere down on the floor. My legs were grabbed and pulled towards him, but I kicked him out of response.

He stumbled backwards, surprised by the strength I held in my legs. 

That was the first time I actually did something against him, but I regretted it once his fist hit my face, knocking me back down on the bed.

And I was gone for a minute or two after that.

When I came back to consciousness, I was stripped of my clothes and laid on the bed. The hairs on my body were standing up out of fear. I couldn't see him anywhere right now so I sat up on my knees- my hands were tied infront of me.

The impact of something slapping against my back had me gasping for air and falling forward onto the sheets, a curdling scream of pain following through all of the apartment.

The feeling of thousands of needles being sticked into my skin had come to the spot that was just hit with the belt. I couldn't even hold back a single tear that fell from my eyes and this was just the beginning.

The hits kept on coming and coming, striking multiple spots on the skin of my body. I lost the count halfway since the pain had become unbearable. 

"You fucking whore."

After countless of hits with the belt on my back- I was turned around. My bruised, perhaps even bleeding back hit the soft covers, but they didn't feel so soft now that I was mutilated.

In an attempt to get off the covers, I arched my back off the bed- only for a strike to be landed on my stomach. 

The sound of leather hitting skin was loud and clear, and so was the wailing from me. But Ha-Jun didn't care how hard I cried or how much I pleaded him to stop, he just went his way. 

"You better learn from this!" He snarled as he slapped the belt over my chest, making me bite down on my bottom lip in attempt to stay quiet, causing me to draw blood. The metallic taste slowly entered my mouth, and it made me cringe. "Or else those undergarments won't stay on the next time, and I'll show you a different kind of pain!

The beating went on for another 20 minutes or so, until he left me inside the bedroom to go take a breather for himself.

I laid there, unmoving. I felt like I wasn't alive at this moment, but the pain all over my body told me otherwise. My hands had slipped out of the rope that was tied around my wrists, leaving an imprint in the skin. 

I gathered myself up and rolled over onto my stomach, before pushing myself up in a kneeling position. Every movement I made hurt, but I had no choice. When Ha-Jun comes back, I should be dressed up and greeting him, like nothing had ever happened. 

But underneath- I was dying of the wounds on my body and heart that my lover made.

My gaze went to the blood stained covers on the bed and I didn't think twice before removing them to put them into the washer. I always had to cover up the hints of the abuse, incase someone would come to visit us and I didn't even give a kick about it.

It was humiliating.

After I put the sheets in the washer, I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up. 

I hated seeing myself like this in the mirror as I showered, beat up and emotionless. I was in my body, but my soul wasn't exactly here. My eyes wandered over the belt welts that covered most of my upper body. 

I gently caressed the bruises and wounds, just to wince at the pain. 

I had turned the water of the shower on and went under once the temperature was somewhat tolerable. Then that burning pain had returned, the water came into the fresh wounds- washing away the excess blood. I looked down to see the red water go down the drain.

My head couldn't help itself when it turned towards the mirror, where I yet again saw myself. 

I'm hopeless.

If I were to live like this forever,

I'd rather die. 

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