
For as long as he could remember Jungkook had been in the cafe for over  three hours.He had been ordering since then so he wouldn't get kicked out.Surely sitting at home and doing nothing was not something to get used to .He was bored out of his mind.

As he saw Jimin walking into the cafe he pulled his earphones from his ears and closed his laptop.He then shoved it into his bag.

"Hyung I'm glad you could make it.I really need someone to rant to"

"What are friends for.We always used to hang out on weekends so don't sweat it"

"I ordered your favorite doughnuts and caramel."the younger said.

"Wow thanks.Now I'm interested in what you want to rant about"Jimin said


"Of course.Who else could it be.But isn't it too early for you to start complaining about him.You guys have only been married for only a month"

"Will you promise to lend me an ear without being too judgmental"

"Hit me.What went wrong?"

"So for our first month wedding anniversary he took me to Jeju to celebrate.Everything was good we had fun but I'm not going to get into
the details"

"You were obviously on cloud nine so tell me what went wrong"

"The night we came back he told me he had to leave for a week on business grounds.I got upset because I didn't want to be left alone but in the end what choice did I have"

"Is that seriously it"

"Nope.We are about to get to the best part.I accompanied him to the airport and I found out that last night he forgot to tell me that he would be taking my entire family with them"

"What a man"the older laughed

"Do you know what he told me.He said that I shouldn't be complaining because he took me to Mexico and they didnt go anywhere.Seriously I didn't know that I had competition"

"Where do you think you will get a man who loves your family like his own"

"He shouldn't be obligated because he didn't marry the whole Jeon family.Its just me"

"You are salty because they went without you?"Jimin asked

"I hate it when they plan things behind my back and make it seem like I'm the stranger here"

"Chill,its just your family.Not some bitches.You better be thankful"

"I know but I need my husband's attention.We are newly weds and yet we are already spending weeks apart.He shouldn't make my family happy at my own expense"

"I hear you"

"But I know just how to get back at him.Two can play the game"

"Jungkook if you are thinking about denying sex as a punishment then you are sadly mistaken.If you do that they he will go and look for it.Then you will be the one to cry"

Jungkook frowned"Tae wouldn't"

"I'm just saying.You never know"

"If he cheats on me I will leave him.There are no two ways about it but don't think I will make it easy for him"Jungkook declared

Jimin chuckled"Jungkook you never struck me to be the jealous type.I mean you were never that way with Hoseok."

Jungkook's eyes turned somber"Maybe be was never mine to begin with.We were never meant to be.With Taehyung I feel so free.There aren't any boundaries between us"

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