The battle for life

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!WARNING!-can be violent scenes, please skip  this part if you are   sensetive! Mini part 

thank you

Miruka laughed from me not giving up, but I didn't care, Because I will win, and soon , everyone will know that. After a minute of silence, I started saying spells for me like "scutum!" "gladius!" etc. and... It worked! I pounded on Miruka and held her legs and arms really tight , but it wasn't enough strength. She pounced on me and tried to strangle me, but I managed to push her of. I ran a decent distance and took my sword. I ran as fast as I could and jumped onto her back and threatened my sword under her neck. She stopped moving. As fast as I could I tried to destroy the eye but I missed, which made Miruka  push me off her back. I was really close to killing her! aargh. Luckily my clumsiness didn't betray me. She took my sword and got on me. Gosh she was so heavy. Thanks to that I fell which made her fall to. I jumped on her stomach out of all strength and she coughed with blood. I knew that I was a little heavy so that's why I did that. I hoped she wouldn't do that to me, otherwise I would lose. I took out my sword from her hands an stabbed her throat. That's when my clumsiness came in. "AArghh" - she yelled in pain. That was the chance! I exclaimed "Hastam!" and tried to stab her third eye with a spear. YES!! I did it! "Maria , you surprised me " - said Miruka in a quite, painful voice. I never saw a 11 year old defeat a real, powerful demon!". Her body started to fade slowly and just disappear like my parents in the dream.  Michael, Rico, Angelina and the other kids started to come out of nowhere and clapping, shouting and hugging me. It was the first time in 2 years I felt... Relief and freedom.

Warning ends here!

Hi ! If you are the one who skipped this tiny part then let me explain what happened: Miruka and Maria had a battle and Maria won and  bla bla as you know . What will happen next? Look in the next part of this wonderfull book! Good luck! :> 

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