The city of catastrophe

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Hi I am the creator AND writer of this adventure jam-packed book! For some time, I want to keep my profile secret, who knows what will happen? Maybe someday I will become a famous writer and sell my books around

I will end my introduction with a quote :"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."   

I woke up from mothers call : "Maria! Time to wake up for school!" , half sleeping I almost fell of the staircase, forgot my slipper on the way and almost fell asleep on my breakfast! Well, as usual ,I was probably the clumsiest person in the world. Dad didn't like that part of me , because once I almost spilt all of his coffee on his work that he was preparing for hours! But mom loved me from head to toes, no matter how clumsy I was .I was happy with my family ,because I loved them and they loved me. After finishing my breakfast my smaller brother came (he was 4 years old) and while rubbing his eyes I already was prepared to go to school. But then my mother said:" Honey, this morning I have a lot of work to do, so can you please walk your brother to kindergarten please? " I smiled back to her and agreed and when Michael (my brother)got dressed up and ready we went to school.

I regretted it as soon as I walked out of our house. Everything was silent and not even a single person in the street .It looked like the city was abandoned . Trying to ignore that I walked to Henry's kindergarten that was opposite to my school, so I could easily come if he had a problem or felt bad and we urgently needed to go home .I waved a good-bye to Charlie and went to my school. But as soon as I turned away I felt a strong, soft arm pulling me to Michael's kindergarten .

"AAHHH!"- I shouted unexpectedly. "shush!, or we will be doomed here!" I turned back to see the kindergarten woman. What is happening? First the whole city is empty , now a kindergarten woman told me to shush. REALLY strange. I asked her - "what is happening, madam ?I have to go to scho -" I got interrupted by a huge BOOM behind my back. I glanced behind and after , I could tell myself that whole of my face was pale. and my legs could not stand my light weight. It was my school on fire!!! oh my gosh!!! I was so panicked that I wanted to scream but I got pulled into the kindergarten. "I am sorry to say, but we have a crisis in town".

After those words my brain just wanted to escape like a lion from a zoo. What do we do now? Why is this happening? Are everyone ok ?How am I going to get back to my house with Michael? I had my brain full up with so much questions in it .My heart was racing as if it was a prisoner trying to get out of the cage. My face was probably was white as clear paper . The kindergarten's name was Elisa . she told me : 'don't worry our kindergarten has a special bunker for these situations , probably like your school ,we get into those stuff almost every decade" "Everyone , quick! follow me ! And DON'T tell any strangers about this place! "We followed Elisa in front of a shelf .She took out one book and magically, the door opened .It was like in non-fictions! But the noise was very loud I had to cover my ears. We came into a dark, spacious underground room. It stunk with rotten eggs or something else ,I couldn't recognize the smell, the only thing in the room was a chalk. and couple of backpacks .I supposed that food was in them, that's why it smelt rotten. Elisa lit up a candle and put it down .After that she whispered : "sit here, I will close the door behind us. Elisa went to the door on her tiptoes. I can imagine how hard it is to pull back a shelf with your own hands! While Elisa was closing the door  we looked around the place. I had a peek in the backpacks .I found there food that was actually rotten, but not most of it , because other of the food crops  was gherkins, marinated tomatoes or something else. My clumsiness came back, I almost dropped  a gherkin pot but luckily , I catched it. Seeking for something else, I found a book. A heavy, torn book.  

On that book there was no title, because the book cover was torn off completely. I loudly whispered: "I found a book!" . The other kids almost where speaking, not whispering : "read it to us! Please! It could be our last book in our lives!" .  I thought about their words and I was ashamed that they where 4 year old's and they had to feel such an experience... So I told them to huddle into a semi circle and I will quietly read to them. The book's text  was utterly strange. It was like I was reading on Latin or something but with English letters .I didn't mind that , but the kids where confused. One of them, Rico asked me : " Do you even know how to read or not? "  He was a very mean boy , so I told him : " I do know how to read but it is something stra- " I got interrupted by something again and it was not a kid, not an explosion, it was some sort of wind behind me.   It was a portal.

Everybody looked at it ,as if it was some criminal,  some of them where confused, I was pinching my arm  so I could wake . I pinched it  so hard that it was red and swollen. What the heck was going on today? We didn't  go into the portal. Well at least I had proof for Rico that I could read. Then Angelina whispered:  " Let's go to that portal ! Let's vote!" . We had to do this, because Elisa didn't come back since half an hour ago, or I am imagining. I said in a quite tone: "Put your hand up if you don't want to get in the portal'' . Rico put up his hand. "Only Rico? OK. " I whispered in horror: " Put your hands up if you want to get into the portal" Everybody put their hands up. "So... Let's go " -I said. Not so fast. I heard a scream of Elis . Oh gosh! Everybody looked on the exit . Thankfully there was nobody . " Run! " - I said loudly , and we all ran into the portal.

                                                                         To be continued..........

Hey guys! I hope u liked the first part!

GL! <3 

I REALLY appreciate fanarts! <3 If u have an idea of a fanart that would be helpful too bc I like drawing  also ! 

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