Another world

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I woke up again. I really wished all of that was a dream... But no . I was really in a portal and I was in.... SPACE?!?! I lifted my body up in panic , but somebody patted y shoulder form behind me. I turned back to see that it was pale skinned woman with very light blue eyes ,that where almost white and had a huge scar among her face.

 "Hi" - she said "what's your name?" - she asked me "I-i am-m... Ma'-ri a " - I said in a scared voice "hey, Don't worry you and the kids are safe here, you can live here for a while"-she said in a soft tone. "what is your name then" - I asked curiously changing my emotion from completely freaked out to a normal, feeling warm feeling. "My name is Miruka " . Me and Miruka waited until the others woke up. Wasn't so long . Miruka introduced herself and then she unexpectedly asked " why and how are you here?". I explained all of the situation , because the little kids didn't understand a thing what was going on . I told her about the book , about  the crisis , about me seeing how my own school was blown up. 

Miruka said that she was really happy for us to come here, because she was really lonely for centuries. I knew that it was impolite to ask those questions but I asked Miruka : "Miruka, are you a person? You live for a very long time and you look very different to us.." Miruka giggled: "of course I am not a person! Di you see where I live?" . Then Angelina asked: "so who are you then? An alien? A monster??? WHO?!" Miruka laughed after her words and replied to her : " You silly , I am the goddess of the space" " ooohhh " - everybody exclaimed including me.

 Somebody's stomach rumbled. I saw that it was Michael, because of his typical embarrassed face. So I gave him an apple that I had as a snack for my school. And then Miruka said- " don't worry I have a lot of food, humans can eat it also!" . She ran away. In a moment she came with a whole bag of food  , put it on the floor (it started to fly away) . and then said something in latin : "O carissime deus, da mihi mensam " And then a table appeared! We where so shocked to see this happening my jaw dropped . I heard the kids in the background applauding shouting and screaming from shock of what they have seen. When I was little I didn't believe in magic at all, not even in Santa Claus or Father Christmas, but now they definitely exist after what I saw with my own eyes! Then Miruka took the bag of food and said another spell:"cara deo ponite mirabilis cibi in mensa". Everybody was shocked by how she knows so much spells , but I was mostly shocked by how she didn't break her tongue by those difficult words. Then she said "deus meus , da mihi mirificas cathedras" And there was a lot of chairs. I think it was enough for us.

We had a lovely dinner with delicious food with a huge choice. Miruka said another spell: "carissime deus, da nobis aliquid speciosum, mollia cubilia" and we got a lot of beds to sleep on. They where really soft and you could literally drown in them !We went to bed, well before telling stories from life. Some of them where funny, some of them embarrassing . And then we went to bed. I

I had a dream about my parents standing in front of our burned house and saying: "Don't believe anyone" . Everybody is a traitor " and then they just faded slowly and slowly, until they dissapeared and I saw only our house that was in flame.

I woke up in sweat and trembling in my legs .I felt something like paralysis but I could move ,and talk. Miruka called us for breakfast.  Well, now everybody knew about me being clumsy. Everybody woke up much earlier than I did and I again tripped and did the clumsy stuff.You would see the priceless faces of the kindergarten kids when I almost fell of the table. I didn't really care about them, I cared about who I am and didn't say to myself that I need improvement, even though it was right. I liked how I am in the real life.

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