The Other Woman

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"what? why its always me?" you yelled frustratedly to camilo.  He has been asking you to do something but you could never do that..

"y/n you had to! Don't be so selfish to your sister. This is the only time victoria needs your help!" He yelled back as he pointed the room where your sister was.

your younger sister victoria has a kidney failure. She stole all the attention and love from you.

"why its always victoria? Mama,papa they always chooses victoria too! And you too? I thought you were my- i was there! I was always there for you ever since yet you keep pushing me away! Why its alwats victoria when i am here! Why do you keep choosing that other woman!" You yelled at him once again,tears are making its way out of your eyes because of outburst. Your heart was beating loudly as it was begging to come out because it was breaking inside

"Don't you understand y/n? You are the other woman! You had always been ! " he said yelling back without realizing what is he saying.

"Then if i am, i don't wanna be the other woman anymore! I don't wanna be that other woman in your life!" you yelled at him before turning your back as your tears were falling each step.

you and camilo were bestfriends you could say. 2 years age gap isn't a problem right? You liked him since then and you thought he could gave that feelings to you too,but you were wrong. All the time he liked your sister because she was "quiet as he likes, smart and has a lovable attitude.

your mother and father most favored your sister. they never paid attention to you anymore as they found out your younger sister has a kidney failure.

Leaving you out there.

Today was your 16th birthday and your parents bought you and your sister to this newly opened market.

Your eyes caught the attention of this one yellow-golden hair ribbon. You smiled and choose this as a birthday gift to your self,it reminds you of him

"Mama i want these for my birthday!" You showed your mother making them three looked at you.

but instead of agreeing,your mother glared at you before answering you

"Your sister was literally sick! And you have these audacity to buy a nonsense things? We could have use it for her treatment!"

your mother yelled at you making you embarrassed. You slowly look down and put the yellow ribbon back to its shelf.

Before going out, you looked at that ribbon once again. Smilling sadly

You thought,one day you could buy that. You will wear that oneday.

you put back your ear phones and listen to the songs on your cassette instead as your mama,papa,and your sister walked.

Your mother bought her the new colorful make up set instead.

You went home alone.

julieta couldn't heal people once their body started denying it.

Only of she could,maybe you'll get a fair treatment right?

Then it clicked on you. Its your
17th birthday—everyone must have forgotten it.

3rd persons pov

she ran into her room and opened her cabinet beside her bed. There, a box that was full of money that she was kept everytime she worked on the strawberry farm. She planned to keep the half of it for her sisters transplant and the other —she planned to take camilo in this famous and fancy restaurant in the encanto.

She paid no attention and grabbed a beautiful dress that she only wore on occasion,and grab a money inside the box.

When she cameback,she bought a mini cake for her to celebrate.

She sat on the table inside her lonely house. Setting up the cake and taking a picture of herself while eating the cake she just bought. Her tears are threatening to fall again

"Oh God thankyou so much doc"  the cries of mother were heard after her daughter has finally survived her illness.

they could finally live a life and enjoy it without waking up and immediately thinking on how she would survive.

But both didn't even noticed the other daughter's disappearance

at the river,she were there sitting like a doll. She doesn't have enough energy to move after using all of it to come here. She liked this spot,its like her comfort place. There, she always listens to her handy cassette that was always on her pocket.

"Okey okey I'll promise! I'll marry you"
the sound of the wind gushing and the birds chirping were heard,running footsteps too.

"Here! My pinky! You would marry me when we grow up! there's no turning back now haha"
another voice of a little kid was heard.

"Then hide now or else if i catch you i won't fullfil it!"
the boy yelled as they both shared a laugher before running steps were heard.

The voices were so vivid, it almost sounds like a flashback memories in a movies.

"oh ok? We're my recorder- oh here you are! im proud its still recorded! Hahaha now mimi  this is my proof about your promise!"

then, after a giggle, the voices were not heard anymore.

"Y/n ,there you are i've be-been finding you"
before the boy could continue, she used all her strength to looked at him again.

"thankyou..thankyou so much mimi for coming..i thought i would die alone..." she answered as her voice were shaking and tears were glistening to the sides of her eyes.

" you'll not die what a-are you saying? I-i bought tia's arepa he-here eat up please" he begged to her as he sat on her side holding her figure. But she denies

"mimi t-theres no okey with you being my side..please be there when i woke up hmm?" She looked at him before leaning her head on his shoulder.

He shakily held the girls waist...he was crying silently because he never wanted to cry infront of
y/n... y/n hates to see him cry over her..but he couldn't hold his sobs from escaping on his lips

"if ever i would get reborn again...i would choose you again and again to be part of my life...i don't care what role it is...but having you in my life is the only thing that makes me alive ca-camilo..."

and that, the butterfly that used to fly round every corner,and gave a laughter and made it colorful,finally reached the last corner...

her last stop was in camilo's shoulder

she might give him a painful memory

but she made it bloom once again

by making the boy realize how much his worth to someone..

Camilo is wrong for seeing you as the other woman
but he knows deep down there, his love for you was something,that someone couldn't get close too.

you were like his safe house

"Oh ? The one who gave the kidney to her also has a kidney failure...we tried to stop the young girl from doing that but she refused and asked us to continue... the last time she was seen ? She was sitting on her bed and looking out on the door as if like she's waiting for someone to visit her.."

"Y/n..y/n is the name"

horrible gasps were heard to your parents..especially to your mother, she couldn't process it all and stopped for a moment..she was stucked at her place..

now thats a fucking horrible mother out there

anw this isn't really an "angst" bcs im not in da mood😔😔sorryyyyy I'll make sure to hurt you all better next time!❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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