Chapter 11

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Ji Ting didn't know that she was being followed. She ran to the hospital as usual. Although Li Tuo recently recovered some of his lost memories, he still hadn't recalled all of his memories. She thought that like in the original text, for a complete recovery he might require Shen Tuchuan, so she brought his picture to show Li Tuo.

She walked quickly, like she couldn't wait to meet someone. The more Shen Tuchuan followed her, the darker his face became and his feelings of unease rose to new heights. Due to being exposed to sudden violent exercise, his prosthetic limb started to grind against his wound. Even though it was painful, he didn't feel it. He immediately hailed a cab when Ji Ting did.

Shen Tuchuan frowned immediately when he saw her enter the hospital, his uneasiness of being abandoned was replaced by another worry. Was she terminally ill and didn't want him to know? Thinking of this possibility, Shen Tuchuan's face darkened and would rather prefer that she was stepping in two boats*.

Meanwhile, Ji Ting was unaware that a certain kid had already brainstormed a few major dramas. After entering the hospital, she directly met Li Tuo and showed him the photos of Shen Tuchuan. Li Tuo still had the same vague memory as before, but just instinctively felt sad after seeing Shen Tuchuan's face.

"Why don't you take me to see him? I want to apologize to him." Li Tuo frowned. He had heard what Shen Tuchuan had went through and blamed himself completely for it. He wanted to apologize whether he recovered his memories or not.

Ji Ting decisively refused, "Forget it, I can't take you to see him if you don't restore your memory." Right now, hearing about Shen Tuchuan's and his past was just like listening to other people's stories. If he goes like that to apologize, it wouldn't be fair to Shen Tuchuan.

"But I don't know when I'll recover." Li Tuo said discouraged.

Ji Ting was also helpless. After chatting with him for a while, and noticing the lack of any progress, she decided to leave. She was going to buy some delicious food and go back to coax the kid who was about to blow up. Li Tuo got up, "I'll send you off, tell me about him again."

Ji Ting glanced at the gentle boy, and thought that he was definitely the male main lead. He was more sensible than the little boy in her family but wasn't as cute. She snapped out of her thoughts and said. "Let's go."

As the two went downstairs side by side, Ji Ting talked about Shen Tuchuan's small habits. As they arrived in the main hall, Li Tuo chuckled.: "It sounds like you have a good relationship. He must like you, this sister, very much."

"......En, it's true." Ji Ting said vaguely. She didn't tell him her real relationship with Shen Tuchuan. Although she was extremely pure in her heart, if outsiders heard it, they would definitely misunderstand.

The two people walked out of the hospital, creating a good atmosphere, like the two were long time friends. The picture was harmonious and warm. The combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman was sight to behold, but not to a certain someone felt otherwise.

"Li Tuo!"

Ji Ting was shocked by the sudden roar from the corner. The next thing she saw was someone rushing over, punching Li Tuo's face, which made the corner of his mouth bleeding. Ji Ting saw that he wasn't going to stop and tried to stop him by grabbing his arms.

However, if comparing her strength to an angry Shen Tuchuan, it was like a mayfly trying to shake a tree. It only took a wave of his hands to push Ji Ting back by two steps and she almost fell to the ground. Shen Tuchuan subconsciously went to help her, but his hands stopped midair after he thought about something.

In the time he hesitated, Li Tuo's bodyguards came. Several big men directly pushed Shen Tuchuan down without saying anything. With a voice so sharp that it almost cracked, Ji Ting said. "I'll see if you dare to touch him!"

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