"Okay we don't like the dude" Wenhan confirmed "but what's the deal with you and Xiao Zhan are you together"

"Why should we be together," Wang Yibo asked but his tone was sad.

"I don't know cause the both of you are acting like it" Yixuan shrugged

"What do you mean by that" Wang Yibo asked.

"I mean everyone in the base thinks the both of you are together" Wenhan motioned around with his hands.

"And why would people think like that there is nothing going on between us," Yibo asked curiously

"Because the way the both of you act around each other of course people would raise their thoughts about the both of you," Seungyoun told him.

"Act" poor Yibo was still confused "what do you mean acting around each other is that something weird, are we weird around each other"

"Maybe we should let you figure that out yourself" Wenhan looked at Yibo. "you should monitor yourself on how you act around Xiao Zhan and see for yourself. Because there is no way the both of you are co-parenting a child that is not even yours the math that was there is not adding up"

"child" Yibo whispered to himself.

"Who was that," Carter asked now that the both of them had gotten the time to be together alone in Xiao Zhan's office.

"Uh," Xiao Zhan asked "Whom do you mean by that"

"The dude that stopped me in the morning," Carter asked "He scared me does he do that everyone" he sat on the sofa

"Nope" Xiao Zhan turned his chair facing Carter "in a good day that is"

"What's his name and why did he do that to me I was just going to invite you for breakfast or coffee"

"He's my friend" Xiao Zhan shrugged

"A friend I suppose" Carter raised an eyebrow making Xiao Zhan blush.

"Well if you speak in that tone it looks like we have something going on while we are ex-husbands" Xiao Zhan laughed

"Ex what" Carter's eyes widened "Shut the fuck up you are telling me you once got married to him 69 kidding"

"Yeah let us not joke like that" Xiao Zhan dismissed that but his face was very red

"So that's why" Carter dragged his words.

"Why what" Xiao Zhan was curious now that Carter's tone had changed to a teasing one.

"He was jealous wasn't he" Carter smirked "He was jealous I look like a special friend to you"

The Sacrifices We MadeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ