Chapter 4 - Guess You Didn't Cheat But You're Still A Traitor.

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"I like a girl that's got a boyfriend/ Can't seem to get her out of my head/ It should be me in her bed/ She knows it/ You're like my twin flame/ We're perfectly aligned/ It drives me insane/ That he gets to call u mine/ It's like ecstasy/ When you're next to me/ You should leave him/ Stay with me/ We had an instant connection/ When it took him two months/ You're leading me on/ You know that it's wrong/ In denial/ Everybody sees but you/ We have more fun"

"Who said I wanted easy?
I don't crave easy
I crave goddamn difficult."

"You kissed me last night."
"You didn't stop me."
"That's not the point."
"It was just an innocent kiss, friends kiss each other all the time, right?"
"Yeah...don't worry about it."

Asher was falling in love.

The nights following the night they had made out were rough for Taylor, to say the least. She was pissed off at herself and at Asher, for playing with her feelings. She had officially lost all control of the situation along with the rest of her common sense.

She eventually realised that she had to come to terms with it; Asher would never be hers.

That didn't mean she would get over her feelings just like that, in fact she was sure she wouldn't ever be able to move on but that didn't mean she couldn't go back to her whorish ways to at least try. So that's what she did, she lost herself in strangers and vaping, not really talking to her friends as to avoid any possible contact with Asher. Although she was dying to meet them(and her) but she was in no mood to answer a billion questions from her friends even though she knew they meant well. She also really didn't care if she was depressed or not studying or even socializing, she was fine with the way her life was going and didn't give a fuck about anybody else.
She never actually believed that she could've had Asher but messing around with the idea had been fun and if that's all she could have with her, she wanted to make the best of it.

She realized that she still wanted Asher to be happy even if it killed her that she wasn't the one responsible for it.

But one day she finally decided to get up and get her ass to school only to meet a friend who wasn't in her usual social group.


She became friends with her when she was new to junior year. Raven shared Taylor's antisocial phases in which they both had a permanent scowl, making it harder for people to approach them. That's why they had instantly made a real connection. She was also the only one who knew about Asher too, although she was pretty sure Tana somehow already knew.
Taylor begrudgingly admitted to herself that she was missing her so she finally got herself up to go to school after weeks.

Upon meeting they just nodded in greeting, respecting each other's personal boundaries. Taylor catched her up to the new fucking mess her life had become and vice versa.

"Hey don't look now but Asher's glaring daggers at us, well to be true I think it's mostly me."
"She can't make up her damn mind and I'm done putting up with this back and forth nonsense." Taylor scoffed, feeling a stinging annoyance grip her chest.

There also might've been a tiny part of her that felt extremely satisfied when Raven had caught Asher staring but they didn't need to talk about that.

"That's fair I guess, who are you setting your sights on now?"
"Hm no sights just diving blindly into hookups."
"Typical Taylor?"
"You know it." She winked.

"I guess I should go at least say hi." She sighed after a moment of silence.
"That's the most sensible idea you've had in weeks." Slapping Raven's arm Taylor walked towards the usual table where all of her friends were seated.

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