jealousy jealousy

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All the singers had gone back to their rooms, and everyone was asleep, apart from Olivia. She couldn't sleep. She was jealous, because she thought that all the other singers had better voices than her. (She is better than a lot of them in my opinion.) She decided to go to the music room and listen to some of her own music but a song by Dua Lipa was already playing.

Olivia: even the dead girl can sing better than I can

She soon found out who was listening to her.

Monotaro: so that's what she sang like.
Monophanie: such a shame that she died.
Monodam: she could not get along with everyone. She deserved it.
Monosuke: how can you say that when the only one that she didn't get along with was heather? Everyone hates her.
Olivia: hey. Why are you listening to her specifically.
Monodam: we heard everyone else in Ava's room yesterday.
Monophanie: yeah, you really seem to hate people.
Monotaro: you know, everyone is alone in their rooms sleeping right now. They're vulnerable.
Olivia: you're showing me this so I'll kill someone!? I could never! Just because I'm jealous of them, doesn't mean I want to kill them!
Monosuke: how'd you know what we're tryna do!? Are you a mind reader!?
Olivia: no, it's just obvious. I'm going back to my room!

She fell asleep. Everyone was woken up by Ava's singing in the morning.

Heather: do you mind!? Some of us are trying to sleep!
Ava: too bad! I'm practicing my vocals!
Heather: you're probably gonna die anyway! What are you practicing for!? Being talented when you're dead!? Ugh!

What they didn't know is that someone was eavesdropping.

Night time.

Alex went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

Alex: I never did get those snacks I wanted that day.
Rosa: hey, what are you doing?
Alex: getting the snacks I was going to get the day I found Dua Lipa.
Rosa: really!? You haven't had those yet?

Shoto was walking towards the music room. When he got there, he heard a scream coming from the bedrooms. He rushed over there and saw yammy, Lauren, Rosa, Olivia, Harry, and Ariana all checking people's rooms. Lauren opened one of them and screamed. Everyone rushed over to the room she found, but weren't prepared for what they saw next.

 Everyone rushed over to the room she found, but weren't prepared for what they saw next

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Ava Max, the ultimate uneven haired girl was lying down in her bed. She didn't look dead on her own, but the rest of her room made her look dead. It was all messy, there were scratch marks and her bathroom was covered in blood.
There was no doubt. Someone had killed her.

Alex: every time I try to get snacks someone goes and gets murdered! It's so inconsiderate. I just want snacks, and then they have to be dead!
Heather: I knew she'd die. I even warned her about it.
Rosa: that's suspicious.

Everyone split up into different groups again.

Shoto: hey Rihanna, you said you were pregnant, right?
Rihanna: yeah...
Shoto: how does a girl get pregnant?
Rihanna: how old are you!?
Shoto: 16.
Rihanna: most kids find out when they're 12!
Shoto: my father didn't let me go to school. He taught me everything he thought was important. The only school he let me go to was UA to surpass all might.
Rihanna: I'm not gonna be the one who tells you how babies are made.
Rosa: so is this the state that you found the body in?
Lauren: yeah.

Rosa pulls Ava's blanket down. The bed was covered in blood. There was tarp under Ava's body.

Rosa: I think they used this to transport her from the bathroom so it looked like she died in her sleep.
Lauren: look around the room Rosa. Something obviously happened.
Olivia: do you have an idea on who did this?
Ariana: Yuh. Heather, she's the only one who has grudges. She also said that she warned Ava earlier.
Olivia: true.
Melanie: I'm scared!
Billie: if you don't stop touching me you'll be the next victim.

Melanie immediately let's go. Billie notices that she's crying.

Billie: what the hell are you doing with your face?
Melanie: crying.
Billie: I've never cried before, so I didn't know what it was.

Alex goes back to the kitchen but notices a knife covered in blood in the sink.
Alex: well that looks suspicious.
Rosa: these scratches prove that she put up a fight.
Lauren: do you think it's possible that she invited the killer to her room, but they fought back and killed her?
Rosa: it's possible, but Ava told everyone she was planning to do a concert. I don't think she'd commit murder before it.

danganronpa with random people (YouTubers, singers and TV characters.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ