a body has been discovered!

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Alex was walking through the kitchen, for a midnight snack. What she saw next shocked her.

Alex: Oh heck no!Dua Lipa, the ultimate British pop woman, sat dead in her own blood

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Alex: Oh heck no!
Dua Lipa, the ultimate British pop woman, sat dead in her own blood. Her body was sat against the kitchen cabinets. Alex screamed as she rushed to get help. She brought shoto and Ariana with her.

Ding ding bing bong.

Monokuma: a body has been discovered!
Shoto: what the hell!?!?!? I thought we agreed to never do this!
Ariana: we did. Someone didn't listen!
Everyone else enters the kitchen.
Lauren: who died!?
Alex: dua Lipa.
Monokuma arrives and gives everyone monopads with the details of the murder on them. There was a picture of dua Lipa's entire body on the monopad in black and white and pink patches where the wounds were. There was one on her head, neck and stomach.
Rosa: what the hell!?
Ava: this can't be happening!
Luisa: what's gonna happen after the investigation?
Monokuma: a class trial.
Monokuma leaves.
Rosa: hold on! There's a dent in her head like she was hit by something.
Ariana: that checks out. The monopad has a pink area on her head.
Rosa: and her neck!
Ariana: her neck is covered in blood.
Rosa: I know, but I just felt around. There's no stab wounds in her neck. There's no evidence that her neck has anything to do with her death.
Ariana leans against the oven.
Ariana: ow! Why is the oven still hot!? Alex, did you turn the oven on while you were in here!?
Alex: no. Maybe the killer was hungry.
Yammy starts rummaging around through the different cabinets.
Lauren: whatcha doin' there?
Yammy: investigating. I checked last night. There's the exact same amount of food in the cabinets.
Melanie shuts the fridge.
Melanie: the food in the fridge is the same as well.
Ariana: the oven is off, but it's hot, meaning the killer turned it on for some reason. This couldn't have happened that long ago!
They split up to search for clues.
Billie: I just realised something.
Olivia: what?
Billie: heather wasn't with us in the kitchen.
Olivia: you don't think she did it, do you?
Billie: I don't know who else could have done it.
They go to heather's room.
Heather: what!?
Olivia: can you help us with the investigation to find Dua Lipa's killer?
Heather: oh so that's who died.
Billie: just help us with the investigation.
Heather: no thanks.
She closes her door
Olivia: you're right, it's her.
Rosa: Alex, what exactly happened when you found the body?
Alex: well I was on my way to the kitchen, because I was hungry, when I suddenly got the strange sense that someone was watching me. I saw 2 eyes in the corner, so I just ran to the kitchen, found dua Lipa, screamed, and then rushed and got the 2 first people I saw, who were Ariana and shoto.
Rosa: Ariana and shoto, got it.
Shoto: I still can't believe someone cracked under the pressure.
Luisa: I know, but I'm way too strong to crack.
Shoto: you don't need to be strong, to not crack, for example, Olivia doesn't look that strong, but I don't think she cracked.
Luisa: still, I'm too strong.
Shoto: you're acting suspicious.
Luisa: oh!? Me!? Listen, if it was me, there would be no stab wounds. I would have just strangled her.
Shoto: but that would be too obvious. Besides, you're only one who knows how to turn the oven on since you refused to show anyone. The oven was still hot.
Luisa: well, maybe Ariana lied.
Shoto: no, she has the burn mark on her hand. I saw it.
Luisa: ok fine, I wanted a midnight snack and I passed Dua Lipa on the way out.
Luisa: hey, where are you going?
Dua Lipa: the kitchen. I'm hungry. Anyway, we're gonna die soon. I don't wanna die hungry, so...
***End if flashback***
Shoto: ok, did you pass the killer?
Luisa: no, they probably managed to crawl through the air vents.
Rosa: hey shoto, I need to speak with you.
Shoto: what is it?
Rosa: what were you doing just before Alex came to get you?
Shoto: talking to Ariana about how Alex was the third person to go in the kitchen to get a midnight snack that day.
Rosa: who were the other 2?
Shoto: Luisa and Dua Lipa.
Rosa: ok, so that would be Ariana's story as well. What were you doing?
Luisa: the same thing that Alex and Dua Lipa did. Dua Lipa passed me on my way out.
Rosa: then the killer must've gotten in through the air vents!
Melanie: not that I was listening in, but most people here couldn't fit in those. They're very small.
Rosa: alright, who could fit?
Melanie: me, Ariana, heather, Alex and Olivia.
Rosa: got it! The killer is one of them!
Shoto: I thought Ariana was clear!
Rosa: I'll decide that!
Monokuma: time to head down for the class trial!
Rosa: there's not enough evidence!

Taylor swift
Ariana Grande
Luisa Madrigal
Shoto todoroki
Billie eilish
Rosa Diaz
Inquisitor master
Ava Max
Harry styles
Olivia Rodrigo
Melanie Martinez

danganronpa with random people (YouTubers, singers and TV characters.)Where stories live. Discover now