Chapter Ten

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**Please read the Author's Note at the end, thank you!**

"Wait, wait. . ." Nifa takes another shot of her beer before giggling uncontrollably. She gazes at Hanji besides her while I sat across from them with an idiot's stare.

How many drinks did I have? Or even better, how many shots did I take? I didn't bother keeping count and even if I did try to count all the empty bottles littering the table before me, it would all be in vain.

My eyesight was hazy—double-vision even. I felt a little buzz vibrating all over my body. It was like my nerves were shocked and I couldn't control the signals I sent to my brain.

I was a hopeless mess and I was doing everything in my power not to pass out in this tavern. I wasn't going to show that stupid side of myself to Levi. I side-glanced him, wondering why he was quiet in all this and immediately knew why.

He was glaring at Hanji and Nifa, his look gave the incentive to kill. And by how things were escalating towards a topic that I even I didn't want to tread, I didn't judge him.

"You walked in on them, when Captain Levi was on his knees and was—he was——" A fit of uncontrollable laughter emits from Nifa. She couldn't finish her sentence.

Her hazel eyes gleams in amusement. Her face flushed from alcohol from whatever image sprouting in her mind. Hanji joins in on the boisterous laughter while nodding uncontrollably.

"Yes!" She exclaims. "We all know Levi as the serious, cold Captain, right? So the mere fact he was on his knees in front of Emma means—"

"Means what?" Levi cuts in sharply. He huffs like a bull about to charge, his eyes seemingly glowing in red. He couldn't take it anymore.

The obnoxious laughter, the crude jokes, being the source of their comments. It immediately reminded me that he never hung out with them before. Never like this.

All of this was new to him while for me, it was nothing but a normal night out. But instead of calming him down I reach for my glass.

I attempted to sip whatever alcohol that was left, but there wasn't any. With a loud whine I set it back down and attempted to pour myself another round.

"Come on," he eggs on. "What were you about to say, Shitty Glasses? What does earlier's events mean to you?"

Were Hanji and Nifa scared? Did Levi's stern tone make them sober? I know it would for any random Scout.

He can send anyone running for the hills with that tone he's using. Though when I glance up all I could see were two blurry smidges in my vision. I wasn't sure if Hanji and Nifa were taken aback, but it was silent. I continued to pouring my drink.

"I think you made the midget angry. . . "

My body spasms harshly, the bottle in my hand clinks with the glass. Laughter bubbles out of me, rumbling in my throat and bouncing off the walls of the tavern. It was Nifa who spoke, her eyes blank while she looked at Levi in awe.

She had leaned near Hanji like she was whispering. As if Nifa finally understood what she said she laughs along with me. Hanji not far behind.

We laughed and cackled though it didn't sound pretty considering how we sounded like a group of birds with an ugly mating call. The only one who wasn't laughing was Levi. He had a sour face and crossed his arms.

He wasn't amused, not one bit. And yet, that made it all the more funnier.

"I am your superior," he states sternly. "You can't just—call me names."

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