♕ Chapter Four

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Hey y'all just a reminder; the little crown icon where the chapter title is indicates Levi's POV! Enjoy!!:)

I couldn't stand it. Couldn't stand to see Emma break so easily and so frequently. I was never accustomed to her screams of terror and her constant begging for things to end, no matter how many times I was there for her.

I knew the recent mission took a toll on her, knew ever since we walked back inside the walls. Her eyes were dead as if she were just a walking corpse, and the way she broke once alone was like listening to the wails of a broken little girl. It was gut-wrenching, my insides twisted and churned when I held her in hopes to cease all her crying.

Too many people died that day. Barely more than thirty Scouts had survived that suicidal mission. But no one spoke about it.

It was as if it never happened and we weren't all waiting for our heads to be teared off by the government. Not even Erwin made a big deal over it. Instead he quickly made order to leave Shiganshina and head to Trost—he didn't care if the rest of us needed rest or time to mourn.

I was beyond mad, what I felt couldn't be described with words. My body wished to unleash this hot, unnerving energy brewing inside me. My legs wishing to kick someone or something, and fists yearning to slam into someone's face.

Now we had to pay for that foolish plan. What awaited us could be the end of the regiment and the end to finding a way to save humanity. I wasn't sure what the government would say about this once our reports were sent in, but I knew it was going to be a huge pain in my ass.

Though Emma became my only priority, and that meant I couldn't find the moment to talk to Erwin. I stayed by her side, not once leaving unless for an emergency. Though she never spoke to me or to anyone.

Not even on our trip back to Trost. And once when we did reach HQ she didn't look back as she headed straight for her office, seeking refuge. I didn't follow her—not this time. I believed she needed to be alone, which gives me time to do what I needed to do.

Setting my own pack beside my desk I march out of the office looking for a certain someone. The halls were abnormally crowded with soldiers both Garrison and Scouts alike. Some were young cadets but most were well-groomed soldiers, they knew better than to just stand around.

"I hear that the Survey Corps is going to disband." One solider gossips as I strode by.

"Yeah? Well, I heard Erwin Smith and Hanji Zoë are going to forcibly leave their duty," another adds with a scoff. "I mean, after the hell they put most of us through, I wouldn't be surprised."

My brow twitches, where the hell are they even hearing this from? We've only just arrived a couple of hours ago, does word spread fast or is someone bored as hell to make up something as shitty as that?

"Lieutenant Wolfram did force Erwin to make the call to retreat," Another Scout stated. "At least she's gotten better. Not so hot-headed now."

"Hm, do you think it's because of the Captain?" A Garrison lackey asked. "I did hear the two are in some sort of relationship. I bet he treats her real nice in order to tame her—if you know what I mean."

I stop at the end of the hall, listening to their disgusting laughter and ear-splitting muttering. It was like none of these dimwits noticed me. They continued to talk, continued to degrade Emma like she was someone beneath them.

They even continued to disrespect the meaning of the Survey Corps. If they were so hateful towards what we do why the hell join? They were just being a group of hypocrites. And I hated hypocrites.

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