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"Yeah I was really an asshole then, I should've been nicer right?"

"I don't know, do you not mind your girl hanging out with guys?"

"Of course I do. Was just asking for your opinion."

She smiled briefly. "It doesn't matter."


"Cos you always do what you want."

He didn't know how to interpret that, the funny or serious way? Anyways her phone vibrated in her hand and she answered the call seeing that it's her sister.

"Amira who's this guy fi sabilillah?" Nabeelah asked immediately.

"Who?" Her brows pulled together.

"This guy Na'eemah is seeing."

Amira shut her eyes, held her head as a headache kicked in instantly. "What did he do?"

"He sent me this text wai... 'Guess what? Your sister came complaining to me about you, I had to console her the best way I could,' then he added this silly emoji and added, 'I'm finally getting what I never got from Amira, haha.'"

Amira hissed. "That bastard. Where's she?"

"School. They have a paper today."

"What's wrong with Na'eemah dan Allah?"

"Wallahi ban sani ba. (I don't know.) The girl has just changed entirely, as if na jazz."

"Can't you call the school and_"

"I did, that they're done with today's exam already."

"That guy's a devil wallahi. He'd definitely do what he said."

"Look I'll just go to the school myself."

"Okay, I'll call you."


"What's wrong?" Ali asked as she dropped the phone.

She sighed, held her head in her hands. "This is my fault isn't it?"

"You did nothing wrong."

"But he's doing it because of me." She faced him, fighting back her tears. "And he's not gonna stop, not with Na'eemah behaving like this."

Ali thought over it for a brief minute. "Why don't you talk to Nabeelah so she could come over? Na'eemah. I can get her a driver to take her to school whenever she has papers and wait until she's done then bring her back home."

Amira faced him, not sure of what to feel.

"I mean you're there, you both can share a room or I can get another one prepared for her."

"You'd really do that?"

"If it'd make you less worried."

A tear slipped out of her eyes. "I'd love that."

"Okay then, you should seek Nabeelah's permission first."

"When can she come over?"

"Anytime, today, tomorrow. I'll just ask Mansur to talk with the driver."

"Gosh thank you."

He smiled at her, happy that she was happy. "It's okay, anytime."

She dialed her sister immediately and broke the news to her just as she told her Na'eemah was back.

Her expression was priceless as she ended the call.

"It's been long I saw you this happy."

"You won't understand."

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