Chapter 1: Lessons

Start from the beginning

Raising an eyebrow in question, he let her know, "I'm surprised you knew about the Battle of Flodden. I'm proud you do. I have to agree with your analysis of Queen Catherine. She was a happy ruler before the whole— You know? As for your father, I do think his mind is tired. I believe admitting that you're his heir has lifted a weight off his shoulders. I hope this lifted weight is felt more in his handling of the kingdom. But we'll see. He's prone to changing moods."

As she hugged him from behind while they lay on the sofa, her words reminded him, "You and I are not like my father. You and I are happy together and in love. We are single-minded and cannot be separated or divided in purpose. And our reign starts in our home. How we rule our home tells how we will rule a nation."

He thought that was the single most profound statement he's read or heard all day. It starts in their home, and indeed it does. And if a person doesn't find happiness in their own home and wife, they'll never find it anywhere. It makes him all the more thankful for her. "Mary, when I tell you I love you, it's not out of habit. I say it because it's real and true. The best thing in my life is us. I will do whatever is necessary to keep us together. I love us."

She loves them too. "I will always be yours, Charles Brandon. You're mine, and I'm not sharing." He chuckled and then turned himself around swiftly, with her under him. They kissed, and for one moment, everything was perfect.

During the King's training sessions, people began to murmur. They wondered why the King was having his son-in-law follow him around and sit in on important meetings where no one had been allowed before. They couldn't help but think about what this all means.

It all came to a head on the day before the Prince and Princess left to return home. The King and Prince had left another meeting with the Spanish Ambassador. The Holy Roman Emperor made it clear he wanted Milan for part of his empire. Therefore the only way to get back into his good graces is to side with him on that point. This whole conversation left His Majesty furious but resolute in his stance. And so, once again, the discussions came to a standstill, only to be tabled for later dates.

It was after the heated meeting that the Secretary of State stopped them. "Your Majesty, might we talk in your chambers, preferably without your shadow present?" 

These words did not sit well with the already disgruntled King. "Whatever you have to say can be said in the presence of my son-in-law; otherwise, it needs not to be said." He moved to walk towards his Royal apartments. Charles and Cromwell followed.

Once in the room, Henry poured a large glass of wine. He set the jug on the table for the other two men. Sitting in his chair, he motioned for Cromwell to speak with his hand. 

The shifty-eyed man sat, turning his hands over and over in his lap. "It has come to my attention that you favor His Highness more than others. Certain members of parliament are not happy about this. They are left wondering what this means? Furthermore, they conjecture that you need a wife. The kingdom cannot be without a Queen."

Charles knew this was not the right time nor the right thing to say to the King. Whereas Mary is all quiet fury, her father is anything but so. Having drunk his goblet of wine, Henry eyed the man down. "So parliament is curious and left wondering about me. Well, then it seems a conversation is in order. Call a session of parliament for this afternoon Sir Cromwell." 

The Secretary got up, bowed, and left the room. Without a word, Henry went to his desk and began writing. While he wrote, he spoke. "Why are you not reading the book? Do you not understand? You must be prepared, and to do that, you must read the book." His writing never ceased, not even for a minute.

So His Highness went to the bookshelf and took The Regal Code of Law down. He grabbed a pillow from the sofa and put it behind his back in the armchair. Putting his feet up on the footstool, he opened to chapter thirty and settled in for more dull reading.

Having dozed off, he was awakened only to be informed that His Majesty requested him to change into more suitable attire for parliament. The servant then told him, "The King also asks you to wear your princely robes and have Her Royal Highness accompany you to the session. She likewise needs to look official." The chamber servant bowed and left to take his place.

Charles left to ready himself and inform his wife of the afternoon events. One needs only imagine how this sent Mary into a tailspin. She had Dot, Paisley, and Joan join her to pick out a dress. Dress after dress was strewn around the room. Finally, they all three decided she would wear a black dress similar in style to the dress with thorned sleeves. Except for the skirt, this one is much fuller. 

And so she dressed, and Joan styled her hair in loose waves. A tiara of diamond roses was set upon her head. No other jewelry is needed, save for the diamond belt cinching her waist and the diamond earrings on her ears. 

His Highness was outfitted in black leather pants, a black and maroon brocade doublet, with a black velvet overcoat edged in golden thread. His sigil was embroidered on the sleeves and the sides of the coat. He wore his princely sash. 

Together they walked to the viper pit. "Darling, you look lovely. Forgive me for not saying so before." He turned his head and smiled at her. She came closer to his side and laced their fingers.

The herald announced the couple into the parliament chambers. From there, they took their seats on either side of the King. As soon as the parliament president called the session to order, His Majesty rose. Looking stoic and a bit perturbed, Henry began to speak. 

"It has come to my attention that there is grumbling amongst you. Complaints that I'm spending too much time with the Prince. Complaints that I need a Queen." He began walking around the different members. "Do you know what legacy means? Surely you must. For years I have supplanted myself in the duty to beget an heir. Well, I already have one. My legacy sits on either side of me." He motioned to the Prince and Princess.

Henry heard a few gasps from the room, but not many. Stopping at a spot around the table, where a gasp came from, he asked, "You are shocked, Lord Tennent? You all complain bitterly behind my back about my personal matters of state." He resumed his place at the head of the room. Then his fury let loose. 

His hands slapped the table hard, making Mary jump. "Let me remind you all that I AM PARLIAMENT! I make the laws and the rules. You carry them out. If I spend my time preparing my heir's husband for reign, then so be it. If I spend my time crafting the law, then so be it. You do not get to question that. And if I remarry, that is my business also. You will be told when needs be."

With that, he sat down and opened his parliament folder. The group moved to discuss trade and economic gains in the south. They also talked about the financial woes in the north. Charles sat thinking about how Thomas Cromwell needed to be dismissed. He's the author of a lot of confusion. And while he sat brooding and pondering this, his wife sat thinking on something entirely different. Mary became astonished at how quickly her father put out the wildfire of gossip in the room. She further marveled at how he commanded the room alone with nothing but his presence. 

Again she can't help but feel lackluster beside him. It was apparent this commanding presence was a skill she needed to learn. But is it truly something a person can grasp? Is this skill something a person can teach? Truly she thinks the truth lies in personality, and hers is vastly different from her father's. How can she take her character and make it suitable for a ruling Queen? 

This line of thinking is something she needs to discuss further with Lady Flora. Her father rules a lot by force. Except a person can't force loyalty and respect. She would instead refuse to be disrespected, which lies in how she treats herself and others. Hopefully, the commitment of dedication will follow. 

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