Chapter 1: Lessons

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There were many things Charles Brandon is learning in his "King training." A lot of it mounted on what not to do as King. Shadowing his best friend and father-in-law allowed him to see another side of the man. He knows there are two sides to every story and every person. They let the world see one side, and the other side is revealed to only those of close kinships. But he'll take it a step further. There's a third side. The third side is the one that's the most genuine, most authentic reflection of who a person is. The third face is for only when alone— it's a secret.

The King's third face allowed Charles to understand the thought process of creating laws and making decisions. More often than not, members of parliament think His Majesty comes up with things willy-nilly or by the seat of his pants. Except that's not true. He doesn't. Henry puts a lot of thought into everything he does. Each law created has been studied, sounded out, and cross-referenced with other past laws.

The Prince learned this on day four of the shadowing. They were in his chambers. While the King was at his desk, Charles was resting in a chair, reading a book his friend gave him. It's called The Regal Code of Law or Regalis Lex. Henry claimed his father gave it to him, and his Secretary of State gave it to him, and so on. Past Kings, and Secretary's of State, passed it down. He presented his friend with the treasured book by saying, "This is akin to the Bible. It is basically the King's handbook. I'm allowing you to read it, but it's never to be taken out of this room. You are to learn it forwards and backward and study it intently to the letter. Do you understand?"

Charles had nodded, and then the King took a seat at his desk. Suddenly, His Majesty threw his fine feathered quill across the room while His Highness read chapter four. Looking at his friend, he asked, "Are you alright?"

"No. I'm frustrated because I have to cross-reference another item. I'm tired of all this referencing. I wish to be done with this task already." He stood and put his doublet back on. "Come. We must go to the library." They exited and went upstairs to the Royal Library. The large, well-lighted room kept hundreds of books and epistles on the shelves from wall to wall.

The Royal Keeper of the Books greeted them. After bowing, the man asked, "What can I do for you today, Sire?"

His Majesty made known his request. "I need the book of law when Louis the Lion was King." When the Keeper left to retrieve it, Henry motioned around the room. "When writing law, all of these books come in handy. I will, at some point, send you here to learn from John, the Royal Keeper. He will instruct you on the different references and literature."

It sounded a tedious task, but Charles agreed to it. This academic tutoring is just one part of the King's training. The other practicums came with Henry telling him something or other that he deemed necessary. A long-winded speech usually accompanies it. By the lecture's end, the Prince could be found with his mind wandering. Some of the things the King has told him are, "Power makes you a monarch. Charles, the rich robes, and the money are not where it comes from, although they do help. It's the power."

Other things include "A King is no better than the company he keeps. So surround yourself with good companionship.", "A King has many eyes and ears.", "Know who to trust. Trusting everyone can kill you.", "Being King is not a choice but a duty." Of course, there's "A King bows to no one."

He completely disagrees with the last one, for he will always bow to his Queen. He also thinks that good kings should have mercy instead of tons of judgment. In his opinion, a king shouldn't raise their voice to be heard and get their point across. And as for power, well, many men crave it. Those who acquire power and want it the most are usually the wrong ones to have it.

Henry saved the most telling things of all for when they were sitting in his chambers nursing glasses of wine. After talking with Mary, he's decided to allow himself one glass of it a day. Any more than that, and his dark, seedy parts take over his mind. It seems that same thing happens to His Majesty as well. During these quieter times, his friend says the most outlandish things. It's his third face showing.

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