She speaks, " Your highness, would you let me treat your wounds? " She smiles. That smile. He hates it at this point. Why does it effect him? Because he was so wrong! He thought she would force him or take advantage of his drunken self but all she wanted to do was to help him. To save him. Guilt rising in his heart, he nods. A simple nod while looking her in the eyes.

Why doesn't the bitterness go away from his tongue? Maybe it's the alcohol? It sure is said to be special for a reason. He smiles softly. Her delicate fingers move around to clean his wounds. He flinches at a certain touch, a certain cut which seems short but is a deeper one. He sighs. Unexpectedly a soft moan leaves his gape.

Surprisingly, the room seems less gloomy now although many candles extinguished.

Nari sits there cleaning his wounds thoroughly and carefully. Fresh blood oozes from the deeper one while she cleans it. Yoongi flinches.

"It'll hurt a little. " Nari whispers silently.

Yoongi observes her, "I've been through more than this little scratches, " he chuckles. His voice comes more faint. He's exhausted. The intruders were too many, he single handedly swiped many to death. But...who were they? Why did they seem to be supporting the Busan's army. He precisely noticed how they were saving the King and his soldiers putting their lives on the verge of death. It's not like they couldn't kill any member of Yoongi's family but it seemed more like ....killing the sacred bones wasn't their intention. They only wanted to show what they are capable of. Despite the high security , they were able to get to them and kill their soldiers. How interesting...

He must look into the matter. He would have left the Palace to go on a round, to gather information from the locals or something but he cannot. He sighs. Because of his marriage. He'd leave soon, he has that in his mind. But before that, he has to take care of the situation in the Palace. How did they got to know where the loop holes were? It is hard for any outsider to know how the Prince's new Palace was made. There's must be a traitor inside the Palace, between them, maybe breathing too close to them. He sighs.

What would have he done if something went south? He wasn't prepared to face the unexpected. How irresponsible of him! He sighs deeply.

"It seems that you need some rest. Stop overthinking. Today whatever happened, was not your fault, " says Nari in a low tone. Yoongi glances at her. The dim light makes it hard to register her expressions but he can make it out, she must be either expressionless or with that warm look with which she smiled at him. She's reassuring him. He knows that, she's being sincere. He feels it in his guts. Something tickles on his lower abdomen. Her warm skin brushes over his skin. The feeling so sensual, so tempting for his drunken self. He's somehow holding himself as one. He's way too dizzy. He reaches out to grap her hand.

"Don't. Leave me. "

"Your highness, I'm here. Please , take some rest." Nari whispers and bows.

"Where are you going? Are you leaving?" He says with his eyes unfocused.

"No, your highness. Please, you rest. I need to clean all this plus I feel restless. I would sleep once I feel like doing so. "

Yoongi chuckles silently. "How do you hold your liquor so well, Princess? It seems unexpectedly opposite case for me , here. " He pulls her down to sit on the mattress beside himself. His sudden pull towards himself jerks her form and dis-balances her. Before she could fall on him, she puts her hands on his each side to refrain herself from falling on him. "He's already wounded. "  His torso had reddish skin, of course she examined it , found that it was just light scratches of maybe a metal shield.  But, it seems less like that and more like faint marks of nail-scraches. Anyways, they were harmless. Just applying ointment would work as she did.

Her eyes expand looking bewildered by his actions. What does this man want? First he pushed her off of the bed and now pulling her towards himself. She would surely say something hurtful to him. "He's intoxicated, Nari. He's intoxicated!"  She breathes slowly to stabilise her rapidly thumping heart in her chest. Shivers run down her spine and sweat breaks on her neck, forehead and chest. The room seems suffocating for a while. Yoongi looks at her, eyes dazed as he breathes slowly, his eyes heavy from exhaustion and drunkenness. He gazes at her lips, they are not as red as he saw in the daylight. This colour seems more natural or is a faint tint left by rubbing off the lip tint, without cleaning it throughly. The faint smell of the alcohol she gulped seems more delicious. He couldn't drink the bottle of wine he brought there for himself and she drank it in no time. It was his favourite one and most expensive too. What a tragedy he couldn't even taste it. But he can! He can still taste it. It's just an inch or two away from his own lips...her lips. He for sure is losing his mind. What's wrong with him? Is he broken in the brain or horny as fuck that he can't even control himself? She sure is a tempting woman. Too seductive. Her voice, her eyes, her fingers....wait! Fingers? He sure has lost his mind to think such a kinky thing.

Most probably, he liked the lady she's been throughout the day. She's gentle with him. She's not demanding as her.

"I like that..."

He brushes her hair off her face and smiles endearingly. Such a kid like. She watches him. His hand slips by his side, his heavy eyes slowly closes itself. Nari pulls herself back by forcing her hips back , she stands straight. She whips her sweaty palms and forehead. Then, her neck . The light illuminating from the one candle doesn't give her enough access to look at the male's figure. She's sweating in a cold night. Huh! She mocks herself. Her curiosity reaches its peak and she quickly lights few candles. The darkness helped to somehow cover her startled self. How could he do that?!

There he lies on the soft mattress, peacefully sleeping. Small snoring sounds coming out of his mouth. Anyone would have found it cute and endearing but Nari. She observes him for a while, too long. Too long enough, to make a judgement on someone but she cannot, because he's sleeping. She certainly will make sure to know what kind of person is he. A rival or an ally. A task or a solution. She'll find all her answers in no time. But first she needs to take some rest. She turns away but then stops in there.

"It's cold. " She mumbles to herself. She sighs and turns  towards Yoongi. She grabs a cover and looks at his dangling legs.

"This man doesn't even know how to sleep properly. " She scratchs her forehead and forearm. Looking at her side she pulls his legs up and settles them on the bed, properly. While covering him, her sight catches the most embarrassing thing. She would feel more at relief if she could shout in agitation!

The bulge through the fabric of his clothes clearly visible in the light. She wishes she could clean her eyes with the same rubbing alcohol that she used to clean his wounds before or if she could unsee it with a big ass warning sign to not look over there. It felt so wrong to her. She curses several times as if it could undo anything...

The Princess gets startled and leaps on her spot by a sudden creepy sound. It is this way, that he suddenly sleep talked something and chuckled.

Lastly, she covers him quickly and blows the candles off. She sits near the window and leans her head back , resting it. The cool wind brushes over her skin , quivering her worries and chases them away for a good while long moment. It's so calm and nice. Her eyes feel heavy and like that she falls asleep.


Sorry for a long hiatus, I couldn't make time to edit the written part and since I wanted to return the love y'all give to this book, I thought of updating more than just one episode.
Thank you for hanging in there, and holding onto the book! I really appreciate your patience!♡

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