《Episode 3》

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Their Royal highnesses were on their way to the one of most strongest kingdoms, Daegu, the land of honours nobelmen, evergreen war fields , bravest worriers in the eastern-world.

Yes, evergreen-war-fields , the Kingdom of Daegu, infamous to slit any throat open, to maintain their land's protocols or rather if said their lord, the king of Daegu's rules and protocols wouldn't be incorrect. The rulers made their rules and turned even worst when the current Emperor Min Kyung started ruling the empire. Even with grey hair and a limping leg he's capable to win any war, against any army, in the world. He took great pride in his skills and the kingdom he built. These were the mere yet useful information the princess could acquire before their journey to the Kingdom of Daegu. She's deep into her thoughts, how everything will get aligned and how life may throw circumstances at her? A sudden halt to the swinging sensation brings her back to the present atmosphere.

" We've reached the Kingdom of Daegu, your highness...", the hand maiden announces to let the princess know, she bows as Nari opens the window of the palenquin to take in the view of the grand palace gate: a beautifully sequenced masterpiece, engraved with works of art, from heavily plated with different gold artistic structures and carvings over the Golden entrance gate, making it shine different shades of rays from sunlight.

The princess gasps at the site of the artwork. " Elegant..." , she mutters unconsciously. She would love the place...Who wouldn't right? Her reaction says it all. A scoff escapes her gape as she steped out of her royal palenquin.

"So , this is the Grand Palace of Kingdom Of Daegu ! " , Taehyung steps down off his carriage seat. His eyes caught the glimmering-sparkling light of the gold plated enterance gate which reflected the colours of royal yellow gold in the broad daylight, 'cause of the rays from the Sun ; and decided not to shift his gaze to any other direction.

Anyone from other kingdoms would have fallen for the lucrative view of the kingdom's wealth , the Royals had spent a ton of royal treasure to put on a show for sure, but princess? The Royal princess had been raised in golden cradle. The show off of the richies didn't caught her in the web of greed for wealth. She came from a prosperous kingdom . The only thought that picked in her mind was - " They would have used this money to feed the poor. "

" Oh come on Nari ! Just appreciate the view of Daegu. " The second prince smirks at his sister and turns towards the eldest.

Although she denied it, she was impressed with the castle gauded with such discipline .

The guards at the entrance seemed to be enough to be sent for in a war and ensure a promising victory of their nation. The number of maidens at their service was equal to the maidens swiped their shifts at noon at the Palace of the princess, their quantity was huge! Again, the soldiers in armours didn't fail to catch the Royals' observation.

A woman in maiden's attire comes forward and bows low infront of their highnesses from Gwacheon.

"You're welcomed to the Palace of Daegu, your Royal highnesses!" The lady bowed again and the other maidens behind her , followed the same after her.

Seokjin steped down his carriage and walked between his siblings.
He nodded at the maiden.

"I'm the head maiden in the Grand Palace of Daegu. I'll be at your service, the days of your stay your highness. " Jin gestured them to raise.

"Were only y'all sent to greet us at the entrance? No one from the higher ranks came?" Seokjin scoffs as the maiden again falls down on the ground to bow low.

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