How it all started

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Awe-inspiringly I looked up to the giant ship. The huge steel wall seemed to stretch up to the sky. The many portholes shone in the sun and black smoke smoked from the four chimneys. What was I getting into? I was standing in Southampton at the pier where the Titanic was supposed to leave in half an hour. People were buzzing around me. Coaches were driven forward, suitcases packed and said goodbye. I was slowly pushed forward by the crowd. From the left an elbow drilled into my ribs and from the right a large family was crowding past me. I had to strongly suppress the urge not to turn around and run home. My hands were sweating and my heart was beating wildly in my chest. After a felt eternity, I finally stood on the ship. My hands trembled as I gently climbed the narrow staircase. In my right hand I held a small leather travel bag and with my left hand I pulled a large suitcase behind me. "Why are you still carrying your luggage with you, miss?" asked the officer, who was checking the cards, with a frown. Caught, I looked down. I should have left my luggage before I boarded the ship, but I thought I might as well carry it to my room myself. It was not very hard and so nothing could be lost. "I'll take it from you and bring it to your suite later", another officer offered. "No, thank you. I can wear it very well myself , " I replied quietly . The officer raised an eyebrow, but he let me pass. When I had almost reached the stairs, he shouted at me: "Miss, aren't you Captain Smith's granddaughter?" I sighed briefly before turning. So the word had already spread among the officers. "Yes, I am, " I answered narrowly. He nodded for a moment, then he turns back to the people. I went up the stairs to the deck where the captain's suite was. I could have had a luxurious suite in first class, but I had chosen an apartment next to my grandfather's room. In the end, I came with him mostly for his sake. My parents had talked me into this trip. They thought I didn't see enough of the world. It was also to be the last voyage of my grandfather, Captain Edward John Smith. He had offered to come with me many times, but until now I had always been able to pull myself out of the affair. When I was a small child, I went swimming in a pond with friends. Suddenly I had felt something slippery on my leg and before I knew it, I had already become entangled in algae. Panicked, I had tried to free myself, whereby the algae had only tightened around my leg. In the end I was able to save myself, but the feeling of being at the mercy of the water remained to this day.

Fortunately, I had studied the ship's map for a long time at home and knew exactly where everything was. I left my luggage in front of my door and rushed to the deck to see how the Titanic put down. The deck was crawling with people. No cloud was visible in the sky and the sun was shining. The air was filled with excitement, joy and sadness at leaving home behind. Many people who traveled on the Titanic hoped for a better life in America. I looked for a spot further at the stern where there were fewer people and clung tightly to the railing as the ship left. Now there was no turning back. People further ahead waved, laughed and clapped as the Titanic took off. As the ship moved, everything was blurred before my eyes.

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