The Devil meets The Great Evil

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Author's Note: I do not own Supernatural's, The Originals', Legacies', or any other Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that you might recognize throughout this entire story do not belong as they all belong to their respective owners. All Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC belong to me.

Henry was seated in the dining room holding a glass of milk and a plate of cookies next to him. He could not stop trembling as fresh memories of killing Poppy was etched in his mind. Whenever he tried imagining peaceful thoughts, each blinks brings back his fangs pitting into Poppy's threat and killing her.

The vampiric hunger was insatiable. Is this what it was like for vampires? Always hungry for blood. The instinct tugging at his teeth like an anchor sinking to the bottom of the abyss and the only way to swim back to the surface is by feeding.

Regrets of becoming a hybrid were coming by a 100 fold.

Observing from the corner is Lucifer. Kelly approaches her wife with concern. "Lisina went to check up on the rest of the Crescent pack down at the bayou and making sure vampires are not going around strong arming people." She looks at Henry. "How is the kid handling? Can't be too good if he killed someone. Even if it was a vampire."

Lucifer has her arms folded and gave out an exasperated sigh. "I can feel the guilt and pressure getting to him. Doesn't help that being a vampire of his class his emotions are heighten. He is on panic mode. Though from what Hayley called in before it started raining blood is her daughter Hope being Henry's sire she commanded him to relax. But doesn't seem like it lasted long."

"You should go talk to him." Kelly suggested.

Lucifer arches a brow. "Why me?"

"He needs an adult."

"Why not you? You're an adult." Lucifer countered.

Kelly deadpanned. "You gave him sanctuary and he could talk to an experience law enforcement that has dealt with several murderer or homicide cases."

Lucifer whined. "Do I?"

"Lucifer." Kelly raised her voice to quit acting like a child. "Maybe you're not an adult."

Lucifer scoffed. "I'm an adult. I'll prove it to you." She marches right towards Henry, leaving Kelly sniggering of her wife's childlike demeanor. She takes a seat at Henry's right and sits down. The young man did not appear to register her presence as he kept staring his beverage. "Milk and cookies. You sure you don't want some scotch so none of the boys tease you for having a kiddies meal?"

Henry glances up with furrowed brows. "Really?"

Lucifer waved her hand. "Trying to lighten the mood. Alright Henry, so here is how I see things. You killed a vampire. An innocent one who everyone liked. And apparently it so happens anyone trying to attack a community's favorite person gets the horns so in the mean time you have lay low." Henry groaned, ruffling his hair as he knew one way this will end is he is screwed if he ever steps out of this house.

Greta and every vampire will rip his head off or heart out.

Looking down at his plate, Lucifer snatches a cookie and eats it. "Look, what you did was wrong kid and by certain cases in Louisiana you can be tried as an adult in court of your age, but those laws probably will not count due to the supernatural and that in turn exposes the supernatural community. Now supernatural judgement would prosecute you into an execution, however that's not why I am telling you this for what may possibly happen to you."

"Then what is it?" Henry glares at her as all she was doing was making him feel worse.

Lucifer gave a sympathetic face. "Henry, you're young and have a life ahead of you. Especially now that you're immortal, but what happened with Poppy was an accident. The vampires won't see it like that but they are bias and scared. Well except that bitch Greta." Getting a foul mood as she instantly hated that woman. "All I am saying is maybe if you do get in control? What then? Just because you are better at controlling your instincts everyone is ready to play ball? Hell no. People aren't going to be ready to accept you yet." Henry looks up and listens.

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