Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A WEEK passed and everything is just doing good. But one person keep ruining my day and you know who it is. And I wish today will be a peaceful one.

"You are doing great milady" Frost said while we're dancing. He's teaching me now how to dance. And I'll honestly tell you that I'm never good at dancing. He is just good at teaching.

"Milady!" I heard Lara shouted from the door of the library. I bet there's something going on again.

"What is it Lara?" I asked her and she bowed first before coming to me. I let go of Frost and face her.

"The Marchionness and marques is here!! And the Marchionness is looking for you!!" Lara exclaimed. So I can't help to smile. I see. This day is indeed a special day. But.......

I look at Frost but he just silently look at us waiting for my decision. I sigh. What should I do?

'go to the Marchionness, the mister will understand'

I sigh again and look at Frost.

"If you may excuse me Teacher Frost" I spoke. And he just nodded. I face Lara and lead the way outside. And I saw Frost walks after me.

"My god!! Snow!" the Marchionness exclaimed when she see me. My father look at me surprised. He never thought that I've been close to the Marchionness.

"Marchionness it's my pleasure to see you in Vancouve House" I exclaimed. Of course It's part of what I've learned from Frost.

"No it's my pleasure young lady" and the Marchionness bow at me. And I see everyone shocked. Even the two b*tches and father.

My father cleared his throat.

"I appreciate your presence in my house I hope you enjoy here. Anyway let's enjoy the food we prepare" my father said. I didn't know that it's alrrady lunch. I've been busy studying.

And here we are eating lunch with the Marques and Marchionness. And in middle of that my father asked.

"What might the Marques's reason for visiting our home?" we all look at the marques but the marques just look at his wife. Oh maybe I know the reason.

"I want to see my dear young friend Snow" the Marchionness exclaimed. And so my father nodded. He looks at me with very proud look. But I just rolled my eyes in my mind. I'm pretty sure he's thinking on making alliance with the Marques using me.

"I'm grateful that Marchionness address me as her friend" then I smiled at her. And she just smiled at me.

After we eat lunch I lead the Marchionness in my favorite garden. Father and the marques is talking business in his office. And the two b*tches go to their rooms. And I feel like they are planning something that'll make the Marchionness hate me.

"I know that the two don't treat you well" the Marchionness suddenly speak. But I just smiled at her.

"They are still my family and maybe one day they'll change their mind" I said. And I see how the Marchionness look at me amazingly.

"How about we go to the town?"

And the next thing I know is we're already inside a carriage with Lara and Frost.


WE traveled minutes until we reach the town. I look outside and people are everywhere. A noble or a normal civilian. This is my first time going to town so I have no idea about what are in here. My mother don't want me to go here nor my father and the two b*tches.

"Wear this" and the Marchionness handed me a cloth that covers my whole body. Well, we aren't just a simple noble. We are a daughter of a duke and a Marchionness.

We went out of the carriage and frost help us. After we get down he excused himself and leave us. While Lara assist us.

"Where do you think we should go first?" the Marchionness asked and I look around the place. It's so crowdy but one shop took my attention.

"You want to look for accessories?" I nodded as the Marchionness spoke. And we headed to the said shop. On top of it says 'Jewel Shop'. It kinda sounds plain. If I would build a shop I'll give it a good name.

And where did that idea came from? Maybe because I study too much about economics?

"Goodmorning Ladies what might we could do for you?" a lady asked as we enter the shop. I think she is the owner of this shop.

And suddenly Marchionness removed the clothes that covering her body so am I. And I see how the lady changes reaction. She might be shocked to see the Marchionness in front of her. And a daughter of a duke.

"I-it's a honor for our shop to be chosen by the Marchionness and Lady Snow" the lady stuttered. I didn't know that I am that famous. Well I've been sticking with the Marchionness so I should have expect this.

"My young fella here just wanted to look around and find a good jewelry can you help us find one?" the Marchionness spoke. So the lady hurriedly asked the other lady for the best accessories in this shop.

"What do you think Lady Snow?" the Marchionness asked after I look every jewelry in front of me. But..... I can't find something great. I can't say that I don't like anything because I'm sure the lady owner will be a shamed.

"I'll buy this one" a man spoke from my back. He is too using cloth to cover his whole body. I look at what he is holding. It's a necklace with a sun design.

"Your name is Lady Snow right? Why not get this?" I returned my look at the lady owner and look at the accessory she is holding. It has a snowflake design.

I just nodded and smile at the lady. And after that the Marchionness buy a two of that necklace. I think she likes to pair with me.

And after we get out of the shop we visited many more and ended up using the whole day. And the the lesson for today is cancelled.

________Part 6 Completed_______


A/N: Hello!! New update!! And I want to announce about my facebook page. You can read there the announcement too about my stories!!

Ally Darky Stories

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Anyway happy birthday to me! I wrote it april 30 but I updated it on may 1. And same on the next chapter.

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