💚Random Headcanons Part 5 - Denki Kaminari💚

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•He 100% loves plushies and has a whole collection of them
•His entire camera roll is nothing but memes, mainly cat memes and pikachu memes
•Denki loves arcade dates. Shall i say more?
•He loves to compete against you and he generally loves video games so this is really fun to him
•He also sometimes likes beach dates, being the romantic he is
•You often help him after he short circuits from using his quirk too much
•He loves karaoke. Change my mind.
•When he short circuits he mutters how much he loves you while you're taking care of him
•He'd ask Aizawa to sit behind you in class so that when he's bored he can plait your hair
•Normally in training he'd try to impress you but it usually just makes you laugh at his fails
•He always talks to Kirishima and Sero how lucky he is to have you, basically girl talk with boys
•On your birthday he would get you an eevee headband and a pikachu one for him
•He'd try watching movies wih you but it ends up in flirt wars or cuddles

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