💚When he has you on his mind💚

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♡︎Izuku Midoriya♡︎
•Blush+blush=Midoriya when he thinks about you
•Even though he blushes a lot, he doesn't mind thinking about you
•He knows that nobody in his class has a mind reading quirk
•He loves to daydream and imagine going on dates together
•He thinks about you 24/7 so it's normal now

Shoto Todoroki♡︎
•He's calm but kind of surprised that he has a crush
•His face is like the surprised pikachu meme
•His left half nearly set of fire, nearly.
•He daydreamed that he confessed to you
•You were eating soba with him and you were confused why he was so surprised
• "Shoto? Are you okay?"
•He stuttered a bit while answering you

Katsuki Bakugou♡︎
•Didn't want to believe he had a crush on you
•He really didn't want to admit to himself that he was thinking about you
•He daydreamed about you just smiling while talking to him on the way back to school
•He was thinking about you for about an hour while having lunch
•You had to poke him into reality
•The moment he realised he was thinking about you, he was a strawberry
•You thought he was sick

Eijiro Kirishima♡︎
•He zoned out in class thinking about things
•He thought about you walking on the beach at the sunset
•Rested his face on his hand staring at you
•He then thought of you and kept thinking about you for at least 30 minutes
•Eventually he got caught by Aizawa and he got embarrassed
•Thankfully Aizawa didn't say that he was staring at you

Denki Kaminari♡︎
•He is not afraid to admit that he was thinking of you, like, at all
•When he was brought back to earth, he shouted in front of everyone at lunch "I WAS THINKING ABOUT Y/N!"
•Everybody looked at him like he was insane while the lunch area was silent
•You were sitting next to him and you were really embarrassed about it
•Really really awkward but you're still happy he loves you

Tenya Iida︎♡︎
•He doesn't seem like the person to daydream and think a lot about a fantasy life
•But he does quite often when he's reading a book
•He ends up reading half way through a book then just daydreaming about you just having fun
•His biggest goal in life isn't to be a hero, it's to make you happy and for him to be your hero
•He loves to see a smile or a laugh, especially if it's him making you smile or laugh

Hitoshi Shinsou♡︎
•He's always daydreaming, he finds it nice to fantasise about things
•One day, he was wondering off in his thoughts and suddenly started to daydream of you
•He loved it, he really wanted to daydream about you every time
•You two were watching movies together, more like he was watching you in the daydream
•Just stared at you the entire time and somehow he found it entertaining

♡︎Tamaki Amajiki♡︎
• S t r a w b e r r y
•The moment an image of you flashes in his mind, he malfunctions
•He stares into nothing, mouth open and a blushing tomato
•He nearly stopped breathing once
•When he's recovered, he just goes to wherever you are and says nothing
•He just wanted to spend time with you because he thought of you

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