💚When it's your period💚

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Izuku Midoriya︎♡︎
•He really does try his best but he has no idea what to do
•He has to ask some of the Class 1-A girls for help
•Once they told him what to get, he zoomed to the store and got everything
•He didn't care about the stares from strangers thinking "Why is he getting pads?"
•He surprises you with chocolate because he found out that chocolate eases pain
•He just cuddles you and rubs your tummy

Shoto Todoroki︎♡︎
•He is ALWAYS prepared
•Brings pads, movies, extra blankets, him at a personal heater, candy canes, hot water bottle, EVERYTHING.
•He gets you pain killers if it's really bad
•Treats you like royalty throughout the whole of your period
•Lots of forehead and neck kisses
•He watches any movie with you, even if it's a movie he doesn't like
•Won't let you watch horror movies because he's scared you'll get scared
•Blanket time

Katsuki Bakugou︎♡︎
•He loves wrapping you in a blanket burrito and then cuddles you
•He waited until you fell asleep, then he went out to a store and get you everything
•It took him a good 30 minutes after you fell asleep for him to move from holding you
•He just wanted to cuddle you but he had to get chocolate and pads to make you feel better
•He keeps track of when it's your period on his calendar
•Your period is the best day for him because you're super tired and you cuddle all day
•He doesn't like you being in pain so he tries to get a hot water bottle and things so it's doesn't hurt

Eijiro Kirishima♡︎
•He just freaks out for the first 15 minutes, running around looking for something to stop you bleeding
•Once he comes to his senses, he searches up and relies on the power of Google to help him
•He gets everything on the list, which ends up being A LOT
•All that stuff lasted you 3 periods
•He has no clue what he's doing
•He made it work though and treated you like a queen
•He genuinely thought you were dying with all that blood
•You called your period 'Shark week'

Denki Kaminari♡︎
•He panicked a bit but soon calmed down
•He doesn't let you move a muscle while you're on your period
•When your cramps get bad, he'll just cuddle with you in bed
•He treats you with soup, cuddles, heating pad, almost like you're sick
•He plays video games with you once the pain is eased a bit
•You two could play anything from minecraft to call of duty
•He also gets you anything you want
•Started panicking all over again when he found out that a period can be as painful as a heart attack
•Then started being extra extra extra nice, if that's possible

Tenya Iida︎♡︎
•When you're on your period, he has everything covered
•Pads/tampons extra clothes, snacks, heating pad
•This guy knows practically everything about periods
•He does anything to make you feel better
•Movies, cuddling, you rambling on, doing absolutely nothing
•He just wants to make sure that you're comfortable
•He is probably the best boyfriend you could have
•Would do anything for you

Hitoshi Shinsou︎♡︎
•Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep
•He usually sleeps and cuddles with you
•But, if you're finding it hard to sleep due to your cramps then he will watch movies with you
•Just snuggles you close and holds you by the waist
•Hates to see you in pain when you have cramps
•You listen to his heartbeat while both of your chests are moving up and down at the same time
•Usually the pain goes away while you two relax more than usual
•He'll bring any plushie or the cat for you to cuddle

Tamaki Amajiki︎♡︎
•When you're on your period, he acts 10x more nicer to you
•If that's even possible
•He's quick to buy you everything you need and he cooks you food
•He gives you pain killers and rubs your tummy if your cramps get bad
•He did have to search up what a period was and what to get
•He's nervous because he thinks you're gonna die because you're bleeding so much
•He didn't think it was normal for you to be in this much pain

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