💚First Date💚

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♡︎Izuku Midoriya♡︎
•He was THE DEFINITION of nervous
•Only held hands and a small peck on the cheek
•Was a blushing mess the entire time and he couldn't help feeling nervous
•You went to the park and had a picnic, together you talked about yourselves and had a great time
•It was really sunny and bright outside, perfect for a picnic in the park (he checked the weather to make sure)
•His mind is racing with questions
"What if I make a fool of myself? What if a villain attacks? Did I forget my wallet?...WHAT IF WE KISS!?"
•He took you to a park nearby and sat under a blossom tree to set up the picnic
•You two had fun time chatting and talking about yourselves
•When you left, he went "YES!" because he was so happy he took his crush out to a first date and it went perfect

♡︎Shoto Todoroki♡︎
•You both went to a fancy restaurant and both of you dressed formally
•He thought you looked really nice so he always complimented you
"You look really pretty Y/N. The dress looks quite nice on you, especially the colour."
•The restaurant was very, very, very fancy but you didn't mind it
•He was calm on the outside, but on the inside he was screaming internally
•After that, you two went to a park and walked around admiring the nature
•You two got candy floss because you randomly found it and you two shared one
•Being the gentleman he is, he payed for everything, using Endeavour's credit card though
•By the time you two finished your walk, it was sunset and it was getting late
•He walked you home so you get there safely: he didn't want you to be caught up by villains
•He gave you your favourite flowers while asking you on a date

♡︎Katsuki Bakugou♡︎
•You went to the aquarium, he especially liked the lion fish
"Lion fish are proud and dangerous, like me!"
•He held hands with you and kissed you at the end of the date to say goodbye
•He nearly yelled at a shark that was scaring you
•Now has a grudge against sharks for the rest of his life
•You two visited nearly every exhibit and it took practically all day
•Smiled wholesomely when you were admiring the fishes, you had a spark in your eye that he liked
•Got nervous when he was holding your hand because he didn't want to set off explosions
•You blew him a kiss and winked when you were about to walk in home, he got really flustered
"Stupid little cutie, trying to make me blush.."

♡︎Eijiro Kirishima♡︎
•You went to the gym and worked out together
•He was actually really confident about asking you out but he was blushing a lot
•He helped you do the exercises if you weren't sure how to do them
•He planned it perfectly, making sure you weren't too tired and walked you home
•Didn't do much PDA while working out, but on the way home he held hands with you
•Even if you didn't like working out, it was fun and loving either way
•He was smiling brightly the entire time
•He was checking on you quite often, asking if you were okay or if you were tired or if you were having fun.
"Are you sure you're alright?-" "For the 17th time, Kiri, I'm fine!

♡︎Denki Kaminari♡︎
•You both went to the arcade so you two could play a couple of games then have lunch together
•He practically dragged you around to every new game he could set his eyes on
•You won the same amount of games he did and you couldn't break the tie
•He fed some of the food to you while laughing hysterically
•He won you a plushie, but he won a pikachu plushie which was really ironic
•He wasn't very nervous during the date but he was before it, panicking and all that
•You stole his jacket to wear it, it was practically a dress considering how big it is
•Says a lot of cheesy pick-up lines just trying to impress you
"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I have to walk by again?" "Denki, you got that from google didn't you." "Yeah.."
•He actually had the mental strength to kiss you a couple of times
•He took you to a karaoke afterwards, and he can sing, surprisingly
•When you went back to your dorms, he did a goodbye kiss, leaving you extremely flustered

♡︎Tenya Iida♡︎
•Was a study date to help you study for your next exam
•You two went to the library to study about your topic in maths
•Nothing too much because he was nervous like some kisses and hand holding
•You two had quite a bit of fun too, joking around and talking about random things
•He made himself tea and you got whatever drink you wanted
"Y/N don't put chocolate in tea!" "Why not?-"
•It helped you a lot and both of you got an A
•It helped you get the best grade and you two had fun so it was a success
•After the test, you two celebrated with cuddles and chocolate
•You two have study dates quite often now, considering how well of a grade you both got

♡︎Hitoshi Shinsou♡︎
•You both went to a cat cafe
•You found a particular cat you loved: he got a bit jealous of it but will never admi
•He ordered coffee, you ordered your favourite drink
•Shinsou loves cats and he thought that you'd love them too so he thought it'd be a good idea
•You attracted all of the cats to your area, to the point where you're a magnet
•Every cat seemed to love you so Shinsou sat down with you and cuddled you along with the cats
• "That cat is so cute!!! But that cat has two coloured eyes!" "Can't you just say all of them are cute instead of telling me why every single cat is cute."
•He took you to a market to get matching cat hoodies to remember your first date
•He walked you home while the moon and stars were displayed in the sky
•He took a thousand pictures of you, the cats and he set his lockscreen as you holding a black kitten

♡︎Tamajiki Amajiki♡︎
•He was too scared to go out in public and have an actual date: he thought that if someone he knew like Mirio saw him, they'd tease him
•You stayed in his dorm and cuddled while watching movies
•He mixed marshmallows with popcorn in the same bowl and it was really good
•Towards the end, he relaxed a lot more and held your waist
•You two were practically buried in blankets, he used every single one he could find
• "Are you sure that's all the blankets in the jouse?" "Let me check." "I was kidding!?-
•You watched Blue Exorcist, which is on Netflix
•You fell asleep while he had a soft but tight grip on you
•He turned down the volume of the movie and slept with you too

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