💚When they simp for you💚

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♡︎Izuku Midoriya♡︎
•He's the protective type of simp: the one to fight anyone for you
•Surprisingly, he will even fight someone in case anyone tries to hurt you
•He gets all flustered more around you and often asks for more affection
• "Where's my hug?" "Can I have a kiss?"
•He always tries to impress you (especially with his quirk) but it always ends up in him breaking his bones
•Sometimes, Bakugou will laugh at him for trying to impress you so you defend him
•Since he loves you so much, he will put you before himself and protect you no matter what
•When he isn't at school with you, he will constantly check his phone for your texts, calls or to see if you're online
•He's kind of like a stalker when he checks his phone a lot because of you

♡︎Shoto Todoroki♡︎
•He's subtle with his simping but he still gives some hints
•Behind closed doors he will cuddle you and shower you with affection since he lets down his guard with only you around
•He doesn't actually mind showing his simping since he doesn't even know what simping means
•You had to explain what simping and a simp was to him in a lot of detail baecause he didn't understand it first
• "I guess I'm a simp for you?" *Y/N proceeds to wheeze*
•He will often hug you from behind or rest his head on your shoulder if you're studying, watching anime, anything
•He is the type to give you a drink if you're slightly thirsty or buy you food if you're a little but hungry
•He cares about you a lot: he also wants you to be healthy both mentally and physically
•He also carries you to your room, bridal style, in case you fall asleep in the common areas

♡︎Katsuki Bakugou♡︎
•He is a complete tsundere when he's simping for you
•Also, he will be slightly more kind to you, making sure that no one sees him being soft
•He'll covers your ears if he yells at someone or creates explosions: one of his way of simping
•He will ignore his bedtime for you and he'll force you to sleep with him if you stay up too late
•Quite often, he cooks for you and he loves it when you say that it tastes good, he smiles wholesomely at you
•Most of the time, he'll make up excuses so he can cook for you, and a different one each time
•He secretly loves it when you fall asleep on him: he'll pull you to his chest and go to sleep with his arms around you
•He'll inhale your scent then mutter "I love you" before falling asleep with you
•He makes sure you get back to your dorm so you don't get caught by Mr. Aizawa

♡︎Eijiro Kirishima♡︎
•He's more subtle with his simping but it still definitely shows
•He's not an insane simp like Kaminari, he's more chill and does simpler things
•Like walking you to your class and he opening the door for you
•Once, he was late to class because he went to your dorm to get you
•He'll always think about you and care about your feelings: whether you're sad, happy, angry, he'll immediately know what you're feeling
•He will always cancel his plans just for you: he wants to spend as much time as possible with you
•No matter what, he can't say no to you: especially your cute puppy eyes
•He's always thinking about doing something nice for you: surprising you with something or buying you something

♡︎Denki Kaminari♡︎
•He will straight up kiss the ground you walk on
•Sometimes, he will follow you around (stalker alert) to make sure you're okay
•He will open doors for you, carries your bag to class, picks you up from your dorm room everyday
•Once of his ways of simping, he will always buy everything for you on a date or if you just want a bit of food
•He will skip class to see you if you get sick or if you're on your period (Mr. Aizawa let's you get a couple of days off during it)
•You think his simping is kind of cute but he does dumb things like catching you when you trip then he trips over
•He tends to cuddle you and shower you with affection behind closed doors more
•He often has dreams about his future with you and daydreams about you in the middle of class
•Once, he imagined a married life with you and he spent an hour doing so
• "Well hello there my future w- I MEAN MY GIRLFRIEND!"

♡︎Tenya Iida♡︎
•He's the subtle type of simp: he doesn't worship the air you breathe
•But he still respects you a lot and helps you with anything he can
•You are his full centre of attention so he doesn't have too many friends, just the Dekusquad
•He stares at you from across the classroom instead of paying attention (which is surprising)
•Mr. Aizawa calls him out from staring at you and he gets a bit flustered from that
• "Iida. Please pay attention rather than staring at Y/N over there."
•Sometimes, he will look back at the pictures he took of you and remember exactly what happened that day
•Once, you found him looking at the photos which made him deny it
•He will walk you to your house, to class, to your dorm, anywhere where you need to be
•He acts like a gentleman by opening doors for you and kissing your hand too

♡︎Hitoshi Shinsou♡︎
•He'll be very direct about himself simping for you so he won't hesitate to tell you but he can be a tsundere about it sometimes
• "I'm a simp for you, so what? Why does that matter?" or "I'm not a simp..." "But you said-" "I-I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING! YOU'RE GOING DEAF!"
•He'll constantly ask you for affection with his cute puppy eyes
•You practically have to say yes to his puppy eyes because you can't resist them
•He practises doing puppy eyes in the mirror so he has a greater chance of getting you to cuddle or kiss him
•He's more of a clingy simp, but not in an annoying way: he'll give you a bit of personal space
•Sometimes, he likes to see you smiling which makes him smile too
•He'll watch you having fun and will always think about you while staring from afar
• "Why the hell am I smiling at her? It's not like I like her or anything. No! I love her."

Tamaki Amajiki♡︎
•When he starts simping for you, he will become a little more clingy and pouty
•He wants to be around you 24/7 and have him as your centre of attention
•He'll constantly tell you compliments: you'll hear about 15 compliments a day, at the least
• "You're looking beautiful today. Wait no. You're always beautiful."
•Then turns into a million shades of red after saying something like that
•He'll take so many pictures of you then look back at them and smile to himself at seeing you have fun with him
•You honestly don't mind him being quite clingy or affectionate towards you
•He still gets quite nervous when you give affection back: he'll panic since he doesn't know what to do
•He just wants to make you feel loved so he does everything he can to make you laugh or smile

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