Take a break pt 2

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"I hate to just leave you guys alone." Adrian said. The three caregivers woke up only thirty minutes before Adrian's class was supposed to be starting, so he was rushing to get ready- only to hesitate when he remembered Vincent was probably still regressed.

"There are two of us with him, we'll be fine." Felix says.

Kevin nods. "Yeah, just go to class, you worry too much."

"Just leave before Vincent wakes up, the last thing we need is a tantrum." Felix says.

"Do you think he'd throw a tantrum over something like this?" Adrian asks.

"I think Vin could throw a tantrum over anything." He says.


Vincent woke up to his boyfriends talking about something. He doesn't really care what it is, he only cares that he was left alone, by himself on the couch; he felt so betrayed.

When they saw him, they immediately stopped talking to check up on him.

"Hey, baby. How did you sleep?"Kevin asked.

"Gud." He says shyly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Are you still regressed?" Felix asked.

Vincent shifted, "Is that okay?"

Felix patted his head. "Of course it is."

Adrian finished packing up his backpack. "Alright, I better go..."

"No!" Vincent cried.

'Called it.' Felix thought to himself.

"Vin, it's okay." Kevin said, "Adrian will be back."

"I don'." Vincent cried harder.

"I'm going to be late, you guys gonna be ok?" Adrian asked, desperate.

"Yeah, we'll be fine. Go ahead." Kevin said.

Felix nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, sorry guys." He says before leaving.

"What's wrong baby?" Felix asked, as if he didn't know.

Vincent's regression stopped him from talking correctly, and the crying made it harder to get the words out, but he tried anyway: "I didn' wan' adri to go, I wan' him to stay."

"I know, but he'll be back, we promise." Kevin said.

Vincent cried even more and so Kevin offered him a hug.

Vincent wrapped his arms and legs around Kevin, desperate for the comfort.

"Hey, it's ok. Everything will be okay." Kevin says.

Vincent shook his head. "When adri come back, it be okay."

Felix wanted to help somehow, but Kevin was already taking his job. When Vincent is sad, it's his job to cuddle with him, take care of him, and make hot chocolate- but now that he's little, everyone apparently wants to do that. He honestly wasn't too upset about this (at least he wouldn't admit to being upset.), just over the idea that he didn't know how else to help him...

Then- an idea.

"How about we play a game while we wait for Adrian, hmm?" Felix asked.

Kevin fake gasped. "What a great idea, I love games. Do you love games, Vinny?" He asked.

Vincent nodded, hiding his face in the sleeves of his onesie.

"What game should we play?" Kevin asked. "We have candy land, snakes and ladders, or..." he looked through the bag Adrian left to find a deck of cards. "Go fish."

Just a baby 💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora