Part 4 Caregivers

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"Why didn't you tell me?"

Vincent looked up at Felix without answering.

"We're best friends, dude. We've known each other since kindergarten, we came out to each other before we did our parents, we've lived together for years, always took care of each other; Why would you expect my unconditional love and support to end because of something so innocent? Why couldn't you trust me with this? Did I do something...wrong?"

Vincent got up to see the dejected look on his friend's face; he hated to see Felix like this. Felix was supposed to be the strong one, Vincent was the weak one. And yet he's made Felix- his beautiful boyfriend Felix upset. Felix was and is always there for him, he didn't deserve a boyfriend who made him feel bad; It's official, Vincent is the worst boyfriend ever.

"I wanted to..." Vincent mumbled, tears making their face down his face.

"Then why didn't you?" Felix asked.

Tears fell faster and faster and his breathing became more rapid. "I'm so-sorry, I re-ally am! Ok-ay? I know you would-'v-e understood-"*gasp* "of all people but...but I couldn't stop hearing th-them!" He cried harder.

"Breathe, baby." Felix reminded him gently, pushing his emotions down a little to climb into bed next to him. "I'm not upset at you...I'm sorry for being an ass. I just want to understand."

Vincent nodded, he rubbed his eyes and focused on his breathing for a minute and tried to calm down while Felix patiently waited and rubbed his back comfortingly.

Vincent got his breathing under control. "My-" *cough* He started again: "When I was sixteen, my parents found out about my regression."

Felix's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't show too much emotion.

"I tried explaining it to them, like I did you, but they told me that it was disgusting and perverted and that I should be ashamed. Then they told me that I needed to grow the fuck up because I was being an embarrassment, and they can't allow someone like me to take over the business..."

"Oh fuck, Vint. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I'm fine." He shrugged. "I told them I'd stop...and I did for a while..."

"No, it's not fine, okay? You didn't deserve that. Come here." He gestured for Vincent to hug him.

Vincent crawled onto Felix's lap and Felix wrapped his arm around the blonde, patting his head protectively. "Is that it? You were scared I would react like your parents did?"

Vincent sighs. "I know you wouldn't have, I just- I couldn't convince myself that anyone would understand- or that they weren't right. I was lucky to have anything I had as a kid, and I'm even more lucky now that I have you three in my life...I guess I feel like my situation isn't bad enough that doing something like this to be understandable..."

"It is understandable, ok? Everyone has their own shit to deal with. Your problems and coping methods are just as valid as anyone else." Felix says.

Vincent mumbles. "I guess."

Felix sighs. "Want some hot chocolate?"

Vincent nodded.

"Wait here, ok?" He asked.

When Vincent nodded again and climbed off Felix.

Felix left the room, and Vincent had to remind himself that his boyfriend would come back.


When Felix returned, Vincent didn't look any better. He hugged his legs and stared at the wall teary-eyed.

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