Part 3: being honest

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They didn't talk about it, and they didn't open the door for the rest of the night.

And when Vincent did wake up later after Kevin and Adrian left, Felix didn't bother asking about it.

Did it mean anything? Was it just a joke or a weird habit of his?

Felix thought he knew everything about Vincent by now, he hated to admit how much it hurt to know he didn't.


"I think we may need to sit down and have a conversation with Vince." Kevin says.

"No kidding." Felix scoffs.

Adrian didn't say anything yet, which was unusual for him.

"There has to be a reasonable explanation, right? Like, maybe he was never weaned off pacifiers?" Kevin suggests, looking to Felix for any confirmation of that possibility.

"I don't think so, his parents didn't even let him have stuffed animals when he was six, I doubt they'd let him have a pacifier past the age of two." Felix says. "I use to let him borrow mine so he wouldn't have nightmares."

"That's actually kind of sad." Kevin says. "Do you have any ideas what this could be Adrian?" He turns to his favorite pink and blue nerd.

"Why do you assume I know?" He asks.

"You know all the weird shit." Felix says.

Adrian giggles. "Mkay. Well, I don't want to assume anything..." he says, "but I might possibly have an idea of what might be going on...maybe."

"Yeah?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, but let's talk to Vinny first. Even if I'm right, it'll be better coming from him. Also, we don't know if he wants us to know about this. Maybe he just wants to keep it private."

Felix and Kevin nod.

"I can respect that, but I'm worried this is one of those times Vince hides because he's embarrassed or something." Felix says, "He isn't always great at expressing himself."

Kevin scoffs. "Like you're one to talk. You ask us if we need affection to fill your need for affection constantly."

Felix rolled his eyes. "We're not talking about me right now."

"Yeah, Felix is more a long term project, let's focus on the Vincent thing." Adrian says.

"Fine. So what should we do?"Kevin asks.

Felix and Adrian look at each other.

They had two options here:

Confront Vincent and ask him directly about what's going on.


Let Vincent alone and let him come to them when he's ready.

This wasn't going to be an easy decision, obviously they don't want to embarrass their boyfriend, but they also don't want him to feel alone if this is something more serious.

"Vin won't say anything if we aren't direct." Adrian says.

Kevin nods. "Yeah, we should try and get him to open up on his own, but if he doesn't and things start to get worse, we'll do another intervention," he says, "sit him down and be direct."

Adrian smiles. "I think that's fair."

Felix nods. "Agreed."

~The next day~

They all sat down for dinner.

Everything was quiet, because no one knew how to start...

"Guys?" Vincent asked.

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