"So, Mr. Garrick, how long have you been
the flash on your world?" Caitlin asked as I looked at his vitals.

"Not long enough to call me Mr. Please, it's jay." He answered

"Jay, of course." Caitlin smiled

"In my world, I've been the flash for about two years."

And how did you get your speed?" I asked taking the needle out of his vein

"I'm not really sure. I was at my lab trying to purify heavy water without any residual radiation When there was a blinding light. I fell into a coma.
When I woke up, I could run almost as fast
as the speed of light."

"Sorry. Did you say lab?
Are you a scientist?" Asked Caitlin

"Well, I certainly didn't work at a place like this, But, yeah. I had a respectable solo operation.
Part-time chemist,
part-time physicist.
Part-time superhero." Garrick smiled. "I can forget that superhero part now, though, huh?" His smile faded

"What'd you find?" Iris asked me and Caitlin as we walked out of the lab

"Well, jay's heart rate Is extraordinarily low.
And he does have regenerative capabilities.
Other than that, I'm not seeing any evidence of the speed force in his system." Caitlin said

"We don't even have proof that he's a speedster, much less from another earth?" Barry asked

"Not necessarily." I smiled

"What does that mean?" Barry asked

"Well, jay doesn't know this, But while we were testing his heart rate, blood pressure, and motor responses, we also measured his autonomic reactions while we were talking," I said proudly

"You gave him a lie detector test?" Iris asked surprised

"And he passed it," Caitlin said

"What if he's not a good guy, And he just wants to find our weaknesses?
Keep running tests." Barry ordered

"His blood pressure is low, his heart rate is low, and His oxygen levels are impressive,  " Caitlin said as we watched Garrick run

"Yeah, but nothing compared to Barry's," Iris said.

"No, but he's certainly in the physical specimen range," Caitlin added

"In more ways than one," Iris smiled

Oh, I wasn't paying attention.
That's enough for today, jay.
Thank you." Caitlin said

"Found it at the crime scene.
I mean, it's gotta be from the meta-human that attacked me." Barry said.

"Huh." Cisco hummed "What is this stuff?

"it's not sand. It's human cells
whose myosin ii protein have migrated to
the cell's periphery." Garrick said

"Jay's a fellow science nerd." Caitlin smiled

"Those cells can rearrange and harden, Giving them the appearance of sand," Garrick explained

"And how do you know this?" I asked

"They belong to a meta-human I've fought before named sand demon."

"I know you're new here, So I'm just gonna break it down for you. The whole "naming the bad guys thing," That's my jam. But you know what? I'm gonna let you have that one 'cause I actually kinda like it.
I'm not mad at that one.
Is that barry's sweatshirt?" Damn Cisco can talk a lot.

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