"Daisy I-" He began as he tried to move closer to me but his body started to collapse.

"Gerard?" I asked anxiously, catching his head in my lap and cradling it as he was inches from the floor.

"I'm okay." He mumbled rubbing his eyes with his baggy black jumper. I put my hands under his arm-pits and hauled him up onto my bed; I could feel his ribs sticking out at sharp angles as if trying to escape the torment of his decaying body.

"No you're really not." I managed to strangle out as I placed him on my bed. He then brandished something out from under his jumper and thrust it towards me. I took it in my hands then asked:

"Whats this?" Then I remembered the superhero teddy from the arcade. "Oh my god Gee this must of taken you so long to win!"

"I stayed there all night." He mumbled smiling weakly.

I placed the teddy on my bed then went downstairs and got him a glass of water and when I had returned he was a bit more perky. I gave him the glass.

"Thaanks." He stuttered shaking a little. I waited for him to finish his drink and then he burst out. "I am so sorry for what I said, I'm a fuck up I just ruin everything...I just I get in a bad way sometimes and I can't control myself and I didn't mean any of those things I said."

"What do you mean you get in a bad way?" I asked brushing his thick hair away from his eyes that were now misting over.

"It's hard to explain, but I guess I'll start from the beginning." He took a deep breath and rolled the glass in his hands. "My Dad was no good in fact he was terrible, he would hit my Mom. But she could take that, I mean she had to. She needed him for money and knew she'd struggle with me and Mikey on her own. Then one day he turned on Mikey; He was only 12 then." He stopped and pressed his eyes together trying to keep control. "I stepped in because I wasn't just going to let my brother get hurt. But my Dad knocked me out, he was a big guy. And when I woke up Mikey and Mom were both beaten unconscious too and my Dad had gone. And thats when my Mom had had enough she didn't want her children to have to go through what she had, so we called the police and were forced to move to England for protection, as my Dad's still out there, somewhere."

"Oh my god Gee thats terrible! I'm so sorry." I coughed between tears.

"It gets worse." He smiled sadly. "Mikey loved his Dad, a lot. He refuses to believe his Dad hurt him. He's blocked it out and believes my Mom forced my Dad to leave he blames her for not seeing his Dad. And he has these..tantrums." Gerard continued bringing his hand up to his head. "He hit my Mom once, and I was so scared because I can see my Dad in him and its dumb I know being scared of your 14 year old brother when you are 16. But I just am..I'm afraid." He whispered. "And on the day I stood you up Mikey had one of his episodes. He was scaring my Mom to death and she didn't want to be hit again so I stepped in and he smashed my phone. Thats's why I couldn't text you back. Then I was going to meet you but my Mom begged me to stay, she couldn't be alone with Mikey, so I did. And I haven't gone to school since."

"Why haven't you been going to school?" I asked surprise evident in my voice.

"As I said I get bad. When we first left my Dad I was having problems I wasn't eating...I was hurting myself. So M0m got me helped and I got diagnosed with anxiety, anorexia and depression."

A gasp escaped my lips as I took in his frail frame, he really was hurting.

"And when my Mom and Mikey were both homing in on me that day I couldn't take it. I haven't been bad since I met you but on that day...on that day I finally cracked. And when you came into my room and you were so disappointed and it felt like I was being crowded the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I just crumpled. Thats why I said those things. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." I coaxed interlacing his fingers with mine. We sat there for a bit then I said I was going to go make him a sandwich, he didn't protest and I left.

I came back into the room about ten minutes later; Gerard was asleep on my bed his arm dangling off the side. I placed the sandwich next to him on the bed, I looked at his arm and a thought occurred to me. So ever so gently I began to pull up the thin material of his sweater and covered my mouth. Sure enough there was a mass of cuts all up his arm.

I traced my fingers over them softly and he began to stir. Within a minute his head popped up and he looked from his exposed wrist to me and back again. He looked ashamed and began to pull his jumper down when I outstretched my arms towards him. He shuffled closer to me and buried his head in my chest and we fell into a peaceful sleep, side by side.


I woke up to Gerard sitting up next to me. "Whatcha doing?" I asked tilting my head to one side.

"Watching you." He replied smiling widely.

"Okay creeper." I said falling back into the bed.

"I've been waiting because I forgot to tell you something." He was literally jumping up and down with excitement. "You know your book?"

"Yeah." I replied a bit confused.

"I don't have it." He admitted looking at the floor.

"What?!" I yelled attempting (and failing) to keep my cool. "That was the only copy I hAD GERARD ARTHUR WAY!" I began hitting him with a pillow and he held his hands up in surrender.

"I DON'T HAVE IT BECAUSE A PUBLISHING HOUSE HAVE IT!" He burst out quickly before I caused him a black eye.

"What." I whispered disbelievingly.

"I sent it to a publishing house and well...they want to publish it!"

I launched myself into Gerard's arms causing him to become winded on the bed. I said thank you about 100 times before Gee managed to silence me.

"What time is it?" I asked looking up at him. He pryed himself off me and reached for my phone. "11:50." He answered bopping me on the nose. I then jumped out of bed and threw his shoes at him. "Where are we going?" He asked.

"School! If we leave now we can meet everyone at lunch."

"Okay!" He squealed as he thrust his feet into his shoes and chucked a bra at me.

"Gerard!" I protested as the bra hooked onto one of my ears. "My fucking book got published, I'm not wearing a fucking bra!"

The Sane Abandoned Me (Gerard Way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now