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olierswags It's official Riley Tkachuk and Leon Draisaitl are officially over

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olierswags It's official Riley Tkachuk and Leon Draisaitl are officially over. Leon was seen getting very close to his ex-girlfriend last night, Olivia Thompson. The two broke up a year ago after a 4 year relationship. What's Riley thinking about this?


user finally!! they are back together!!

user i love her

user he looked so much happier with olivia

user leon yay happy for you!!!!

user poor riley

user i missed them


livthompson all we needed was time

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livthompson all we needed was time

tagged drat_29


user the queen of wags has returned

user leon and olivia are back bitch!!!!

user just make sure he plays good 👍🏻

user i wish you guys well

mcdavid97 😰

user uh oh davo doesn't approve
    — user2 he doesn't need to approve its LEON's life
    — user damn calm down


Riley was laying on the couch when Matthew came in.

"You're not going out tonight?" He picked at her.

"No," She said monotonously.

"Did you learn that maybe if you do something it comes back and kicks you in the ass?" He asked humorously.

Riley's eyes started to tear up at her brother's words. She knew she shouldn't have started partying uncontrollably, but she didn't know what else to do and it sounded fun. Now, it has come back to kick her in the ass, as Matthew said.

"You're such a fucking asshole, Matthew," She whispered, her voice cracking. "What did I do to make you treat me like this?"

Matthew was taken back, she didn't do anything especially wrong. He was just bitter and tried to tell her the truth.

She continued at his silence, "You remember when we couldn't spend a day without seeing each other. You would facetime me on the road to tell me about your day, and I did the same. That was less than a year ago. So what the fuck happened to that Matthew, because
he would never treat me like this."

"You met Leon," He simply said. "You were always at his house, and I was alone. I would wait for you to come home after practice every day to tell you about the guys. But you never came home."

They were quiet for a second. Both thinking about the past 6 months, both thinking of it painfully.

"So that's what this is about you feel like I am leaving you?"

He scoffed but still said nothing.

Riley shook her head, standing up from the couch. "I was never going to leave you, Matthew. But now you make me want to."

And she left the room, leaving a mad and stubborn Matthew.

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