twenty eight

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"Your cereal is going to get soggy if you just mope instead of eating it," Mitch said to me.

My lips thin, I was not in the mood for Mitch right now. "Funny," I deadpan.

He sighs and walks around the kitchen bar to sit next to me. "What happen last night?"

I shot him a not-happy glance, "Nothing," I grumble.

"Are you sure?" He drags out the sure.

"Yes, Mitch."

He whistles, "Mitch. Not even Mitchy, somebody's angry." He jokes, trying to make me laugh but it isn't working.

I ignore him.

"Last night, you went outside saying somebody was calling you and you came back crying pretty hard. Somebody who is okay doesn't do that," He says softly, trying to get me to open up.

"But, I am okay."

He sighs and doesn't say anything between us. I poke at my cereal while thinking of last night. We went out celebrating Auston's 56th goal and we got a little drunk and handsy. We were nothing but friends, we knew that. It always happened when we were drunk, he was the most comfortable I felt with, so we enjoyed each other's company. After Leon called me I sobbed for hours. I felt so shitty, even though I shouldn't have felt shitty I did. He had no more control, no say about anything I did but, maybe that's what made me the saddest. Even after he fucked up twice I was still upset and crying over us, and we weren't even an us. We were just friends and now we were nothing. Nothing at all.

"Leon called me," I croaked out. I felt the tears creep in when I was thinking but talking always made them worse. "He got pissed at me about what I posted with Auston."

Mitch hummed, "What did he say?"

"He just cried," I say calmly while closing my eyes, two tears gliding down my cheek. "He said 'please don't do this' I can't forget it. I am supposed to hate him, he hurt me. He did. And I am still crying over him."

Mitch side hugs me, "You're allowed to be sad about you guys breaking up."

I humorously laugh, "We weren't even dating Mitch. That's the worst part. He can do all of this to me without dating me."

"Well, at least he was crying too. It's not just you," He jokes.

I chuckle lightly, "Yeah, Lauren told me he won't leave their house because he says it hurts too much to go home."

He nudges my shoulder, "See it isn't just you."

A smile does come to my face knowing I am not the only one miserable. He's suffering too and that makes me happy.

"There's the smile," Mitch exclaims. I look over at him to playfully glare at him. "Even if it is a smile over somebody else's misery I will take it."

Mitch hops up from his seat and starts jumping around, "We've got a game in a couple of hours, you need to get ready."

"Why do you assume that I am coming?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

Mitch rolls his eyes at the thought of not coming to a game, "Because Mikey would be heartbroken that his good luck charm isn't there."

I scoff, "Oh yeah because Bunting would be absolutely lost without me being there," I deadpan.

"He absolutely would," He nods. "Now, go get ready and put on any jersey you wish."

He starts skipping towards his bedroom to get his bag ready.

"I will wear my Johnny jersey just despite your annoying ass," I yell out to him.

"I'm sure JT would love that," He responds back, completely unfazed by my jab.


_____j found out my jt jersey won't get here until the day after i go to the leafs game 🥹😭

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j found out my jt jersey won't get here until the day after i go to the leafs game 🥹😭

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