twenty four

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It wasn't until a day later that somebody discovered Riley. Matthew just got home, he didn't know anything was wrong until he stepped through the door and saw Nutella and bread out on the island in the kitchen. Nutella sandwiches were Riley's number one sad food. The only time he ever saw her eat them was after their childhood dog died and she was a mess.

"Ri?" He nervously called out into the apartment. There was no sign of her in the main part of the house, so he slowly went to her room. He was a little scared to find her but, he wasn't going to admit it.

He knocked on her door, waited a couple of seconds for a response, and without getting one he cracked open the door.

She was passed out in her bed pillows, blankets, and empty food containers all over her room. Now, he could definitely admit he was scared to find out what was wrong.

She was wearing a grey hoodie, a hoodie that she was practically snuggling with like a person. It was way too big to be his own or Brady's so he assumed it was whoever she was 'seeing'.

He didn't really mind that she was seeing someone, Matthew saw her texting him smiling all the time. He wanted his sister to be happy but, he wouldn't think that way when he found out who exactly was making her happy.

He inched towards her bed and poked her face, making sure she was alive.

Her face scrunched up as he continuously poked her. She seemed confused at first but, then slowly regained consciousness.

"What are you doing?" She asked Matthew who was awkwardly standing there.

"What am I doing?" He exclaimed sarcastically. "What happened?"

She recoiled inside her hoodie at the sound of his loud voice. Then, it clicked. Everything clicked back into her head, the remembrance of everything that happened. She has four seconds of blissful obviousness and then it came back and destroyed her again.

"Nothing," She croaked obviously lying.

Matthew climbed into bed next to her and pulled her balled-up body next to him. He put his arms around her shoulders, her head falling on his chest and her arms rounding his body.

"What happened?" He asked again.

"Nothing," She spoke muffled into his chest.

"What happened?" He demanded while poking her sides.

"Matthew stop it," She squirmed in his embrace. "If you stop I will tell you."

He stopped with a smirk on his face. That's what always happened when Matthew wanted to know something. Riley would refuse to tell him but, he wouldn't do it at first, he wanted to see if she would just tell him without the hassle. Which she never did, so he went to poking and tickling her and she would always let up quickly after that.

She sighed, "It didn't work out," She said.

He rolled his eyes, "Well obviously or else you wouldn't be here," She scoffed and gave him a dirty look. "Tell me what happened, don't be vague."

"I don't want to tell you," She whispered. She knew that Matthew would feel bad about Leon using her to get to him. She wasn't going to tell him it was Leon but, people have used her for her brothers a lot and every time it hurt Matthew more and more.

Matthew's lips turned down, "I won't push it right now," He emphasized the right now part. "But, I do need to know if I need to beat somebody up because nobody messes with my big sister and gets away with it."

Riley smiled at him. She loved her brothers more than anybody and she would hope the day would never come when they find out about Leon.

She pats his face, "No fighting today big guy. Don't want your ugly ass face to get even more ugly."

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